July 18, 1996
SUBJECT : Prescribing the Revised Guidelines
in the Performance of the Regular
Functions of the Regional Planning
Divisions (RPDs) and Provincial Planning,
Monitoring and Evaluation Units (PMEUs)
These guidelines are hereby issued in view of the need to synchronize the activities in program planning, monitoring and evaluation and appropriately delineate and distinguish the planning functions of the planning divisions/units from the other operating units at the field level thereby instituting an effective and efficient planning system.
These guidelines spell out the planning process to be observed and the functional linkages needed in the preparation of various planning outputs.
The RPDs and the PMEUs are tasked to spearhead the conduct of multisectoral planning conferences and similar activities aimed at synchronizing and integrating the plans on the various program components of CARP. To ensure that gaps among programs are minimized and to speed up regional/provincial plan preparation, planning activities for individual sectoral programs and DAR initiated projects in the ARCs and settlement areas and other related CARP components should have been conducted prior to plan integration.
To effectively carry out the planning and programming function, the RPDs and the provincial PMEUs are mandated to also orchestrate all sectoral planning activities of other field units. DaESIC
Under the sectoral monitoring scheme, the RPDs and PMEUs are tasked to consolidate and integrate the accomplishment reports of the various units to come up with the province and/or region-wide monthly/quarterly/annual accomplishment report. The regional as well as the provincial planning units are likewise tasked to validate the reports of all operating units, and inform the Planning Service of any inconsistency observed.
In addition, the RPDs and PMEUs are tasked to come up with an annual CARP situational analysis of their respective region/province based on the submitted sectoral reports to serve as inputs in the formulation of priorities, programs, strategies, and targets during plan preparation.
In the performance of its basic functions the regional and the provincial planning units shall produce the following documents:
Regional Planning Division (RPD)
1. Annual Regional Operational Plan
a. Regional Indicative Plan (proposed plan)
b. Regional Work Plan (implementing plan)
2. Consolidated Regional ARC Operational Plan
3. Regional CARP Medium Term Plan (updated annually)
4. Book of Cost Parameters of Regional and Provincial Level CARP Activities
5. Periodic Regional Accomplishment Reports
6. Annual CARP Regional Situational Analysis
Provincial Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Unit (PMEU)
1. Annual Provincial Operational Plan
a. Provincial Indicative Plan (proposed plan)
b. Provincial Work Plan (implementing plan)
2. Consolidated Provincial ARC Operational Plan
3. Provincial CARP Medium Term Plan (updated annually)
4. Book of Cost Parameters of Provincial and Municipal Level CARP Activities
5. Periodic Provincial Accomplishment Reports
6. Annual CARP Provincial Situational Analysis
The preparation of the annual operational plan consists of two stages, namely the Indicative Planning/Budget Proposal Preparation Stage and Work Planning/Budget Finalization Stage. Since the basic components of the operational plan to be generated will be the program physical targets and the required operating budget for the incoming fiscal year, the formulation of the total plan will be a collaboration of efforts among the planning divisions/units, budget/finance division, and the various program implementation divisions. The RPDs and PMEUs will manage the planning process in their respective geographical concerns. The applicable forms or changes thereof for documenting the plans are prescribed in the Department Planning and Budgeting Guidelines to be issued as per calendar schedule.
To ensure timely submission of plans, and early release of funds to support program implementation, the field planning units are hereby directed to conduct their respective planning activities in accordance with the herein attached plan and budget preparation calendar (Annex A) prepared by the Planning Service. TcEaAS
1.1 Preparing the Indicative Plan
By January of the current year, the Policy and Planning Office through the Planning Service, in coordination with the Finance Management and Administrative Office particularly with its Budget Division, and also with the Field Operations and Support Services office, issues the Department's Planning and Budgeting Guidelines for the preparation of the DAR's indicative plan for the incoming fiscal year.
The RPD, upon receipt of the guidelines, translates the Department guidelines issued by the Central Office into Regional/Provincial planning and budgeting guidelines and disseminated these through the conduct of multi-sectoral planning conferences.
At the provincial level, the PMEU through the PARO, then issues the guidelines to the different provincial units and municipal offices for the preparation of their respective plans. To ensure the responsiveness of the provincial plans to the prevailing local issues, needs, etc., the PMEU shall spearhead the conduct of multi-sectoral consultations/conferences. The packaged provincial plan should already be an integration of proposed operational targets from the DAR's various sectoral programs and projects including targets in ARCs.
The provincial plan is then forwarded by the PMEU to the RPD for integration with the other provinces' indicative plans to form the Regional Indicative Plan. The RPD reviews the plan for consistency with the Department's planning guidelines and the region's program thrusts, strategies and priorities.
The Regional Office submits their plan to the Regional Development Council (RDC) for review and endorsement. If there are revisions as proposed by the RDC, the regional office through the RPD revises the indicative plan in coordination with the other regional and provincial sectoral units and submits the revised indicative plan to the Planning Service for integration into the DAR's Draft Indicative Plan.
The Planning Service orchestrates the conduct of a Top Management Review or internal budget hearing on the regional proposals. The Regional Office through the RPD submits the revised and/or final Regional Indicative Plan to the Planning Service for integration and packaging into the Department's Indicative Plan.
1.2 Preparing the Work Plan
The Policy and Planning Office through the Planning Service, in coordination with the Finance Management and Administrative Office particularly with its Budget Division and also with the Field Operations and Support Services Office issues the Department's Planning and Budgeting Guidelines for the preparation of the DAR's Work Plan which will contain the final operational targets for the incoming fiscal year. This is undertaken immediately after the approval of the General Appropriations Act (GAA) by Congress by about October or November of the current year. A delay in the Congressional approval shall not hamper the initiation of planning activities to finalize the incoming year's operational targets beginning October and completed within November.
The Regional Office through the RPD notifies its provincial offices and other regional units to firm up or adjust the Regional Indicative Plan and translate this into a Work Plan, and likewise orchestrates the preparation of the Regional Office's own work plan consistent with the guidelines and the approved regional budget.
The PMEU coordinates with the other provincial units in firming up or adjusting the provincial indicative plan in accordance with the guidelines and approved budget.
The formulated provincial work plan is submitted to the Regional Office through the RPD. The RPD integrates the submitted provincial work plan to form the Regional Work Plan. The regional work plans are submitted to the Planning Service for review and integration into the DAR's Draft Work Plan.
The Planning Service orchestrates the conduct of a Top Management Review of the Department's Draft Work Plan and finally package the approved DAR Work Plan.
While the operational targets in the ARCs are already integrated in the whole regional or provincial operational plan, a separate plan document shall be prepared showing only the consolidated ARC operational targets. A suggested format will be issued by the Planning Service for the purpose. aTCADc
The preparation of the consolidated plan shall be done in coordination with the Project Development and Implementation Division (PDID) at the region and the Beneficiaries Development and Coordination Division (BDCD) at the province, respectively.
A copy of each of the individual regional and provincial ARC operational plans shall be furnished the Planning Service by about April.
By April of every year or after the preparation of the incoming year's indicative plan, the PMEU shall spearhead the updating of the Provincial CARP Medium-Term Plan through consultations among the other provincial units, CARP Implementing Agencies (CIAs) and other interest groups. The updated Provincial CARP Medium-Term Plan shall be submitted to the Regional Planning Division to form part of the Regional Medium-Term Plan. By about May, the Regional Office, through the RPD shall then submit the Regional Medium-Term Plan to the Planning Service for integration into the DAR's CARP Medium-Term Plan.
The Regional Planning Divisions and the PMEUs shall spearhead the updating of cost parameters of CARP activities. The Planning Service in coordination with the Internal Audit Service and Finance Management Service shall prepare guidelines in the updating of the cost parameters as well as provide advisory functions and technical support to the field units. The physical output of this activity shall be an annually updated Book of Cost Parameters of CARP Activities submitted to the Planning Service every September.
The RPDs and PMEUs shall process the sectoral reports of the different regional and provincial operating/functional units and shall perform an analysis and evaluation of data generated to come up with a monthly/quarterly/annual regional and provincial accomplishment reports. The reports shall serve as inputs in the monthly/quarterly/annual regional and provincial assessment conferences which the RPDs and PMEUs shall initiate.
The reports presented during the assessment conferences shall be the official regional and provincial accomplishment reports.
Details are presented in Chapter V of the Planning Manual.
Immediately after the conduct of annual program assessment, the PMEU shall prepare a provincial CARP situational analysis based on the year-end status reports submitted by the other provincial operating units and/or CIAs. The Provincial CARP Situational Analysis shall then be submitted to the Regional Office through the RPD. The RPD then incorporates the submitted situational analyses in the Regional CARP Situational Analysis. Copies of the Regional CARP Situational Analysis shall be submitted to the Planning Service. On the other hand, the Planning Service and/or any central-based office may be furnished copies of the Provincial CARP Situational Analysis upon request.
All field operating units are enjoined to extend their full support to the RPDs and especially the PMEUS by recognizing the division-level authority of the PMEU Heads. As an initial step to strengthen the coordinative authority of the PMEU Heads, they are hereby designated to sit as regular members of the DAR Provincial Management and/or Executive Committee.
All Regional Directors, PAROs, and Office and Unit Heads concerned shall ensure and monitor compliance to this Memorandum Circular.
This Circular takes effect immediately. Any order and issuance inconsistent herewith are hereby modified and revoked accordingly. ADcSHC
For strict compliance.
18 July 1996.
Diliman, Quezon City.