June 17, 1996
SUBJECT : Establishing the Structure and
Determining the Accountabilities
in the Implementation of MC 02,
Series of 1996 at FOG/SSO
To ensure the effective implementation of Memorandum Circular No. 2, Series of 1996 at Field Operations and Support Services Office, the following structures, guidelines and accountabilities are hereby instituted: STCDaI
A. The provincial CARPO for operations shall be responsible in validating and consolidating the following reports:
A.1 Monthly reports
A.1.a Survey Status LSD Forms 4 and 4A
A.1.b CFs Transmitted to LBP Joint DAR-LBP Form 1
A.1.c LAD Status (in has. & FBs) Table 4 and 4a
Attached: EO 407/448 Status EO 407/448 Tracking
A.2 Quarterly reports
A.2.a OLT Status OLT Forms 1 to 5
A.2.b Leasehold Operations M&R Forms 2,2a,2b & 2c
A.2.c Commercial Farm Deferment CFD UP Form 1
The abovementioned reports shall be prepared in one unified report titled DARPO LTI Report (For the month of ___________, CY 199___ or ____________ Quarter, CY 199___ as the case may be) by the Provincial CARPO for Operations and approved by the PARO, and shall be submitted to the Regional Director, Attention: Regional CARPO for Operations, copy furnished the PMEU Head, on or before the 5th day of the ensuing month, for monthly reports and on or before the 5th day of the 1st, month of the succeeding quarter, for quarterly reports.
B. The Provincial CARPO for BDCD shall be responsible in validating and consolidating the following reports, on a quarterly basis only:
B.1.a ARC Development Status ARC M Forms 1-11
B.1.b Education/Training For ARBs ETPARB Form 01
B.1.c BARC operationalization BARC M Form 01
B.1.d PO/NGO Consultation PO/NGO Forms 02 & 03
B.1.e Economic Support Services M&R ECO DU & UP Forms
B.1.f Infrastructure Support Services M&R INF UP & UP Forms
The abovementioned reports shall be prepared in one unified report titled DARPO PBD Report (__________ Quarter, CY 199____) by the Provincial CARPO for BDCD and approved by the PARO. This report shall be submitted to the RD, Attention: Regional CARPO for PDI, copy furnished the PMEU Head, on or before the 5th day of the 1st month of the succeeding quarter.
The database support for DARPO summary reports, as explicitly required by MC 2, shall be complied with using prescribed forms. Please see Annex "B" for details. EHSADc
A. The Regional CARPO for Operations shall validate, consolidate and process the DARPOs' LTI Reports and come up with one unified DARRO LTI Report (For the month of _________, CY 199______ or _______ Quarter, CY 199_______, as the case may be). This report, duly signed by the RD, shall be submitted to the Undersecretary for FOG/SSO, Attention: Information Management and Research Unit, copy furnished the Regional CARPO for Planning, on or before the 10th day of the ensuing month, for monthly reports and on or before the 10th day of the 1st month of succeeding quarter, for quarterly reports.
The IMR Unit of FOG/SSO shall be responsible in distributing the Regional reports to the concerned DARCO Units:
A.1 Monthly reports DARCO Unit
A.1.a Survey Status BLD
A.1.b CFs Transmitted to LBP BLAD
A.1.c LAD Status (in has. & FBs) Usec. FOG/SSO
Attached: EO 407/448 Status BLAD
A.2 Quarterly reports
A.2.a OLT Status ASec. FOG
A.2.b Leasehold Operations BLAD
A.2.c Commercial Farm Deferment BLAD
B. The Regional CARPO for PDI, upon receipt shall validate, consolidate and process DARPOs PBD Reports and come up with one unified DARRO PBD Report (_________ Qtr, CY 199____). This report, duly signed by the RD, shall be submitted to the Undersecretary for FOG/SSO, Attention: Information Management and Research Unit, copy furnished the Regional CARPO for Planning, on or before the 10th day of the 1st month of succeeding quarter.
The IMR Unit of FOG/SSO shall be responsible in distributing the Regional reports to the concerned DARCO Units:
B.1 Quarterly reports: DARCO Unit
B.1.a ARC Development Status BARBD
B.1.b Education/Training For ARBs BARBD
B.1.c BARC operationalization BARBD
B.1.d PO/NGO Consultation BARBD
B.1.e Economic Support Services PDMS
B.1.f Infrastructure Support Services PDMS
The reports on LTI and PBD submitted by the CARPOs for Operations and PDI, respectively, shall be compiled in a manner which is easy to detach and distribute to concerned DARCO Units.
The BLD Director, upon receipt shall validate, consolidate and process the DARROs' survey reports, to come up with the BLD National Report (For the month of _________, CY 199______ or _____ Quarter, CY 199____, as the case may be). This report, duly signed by the BLD Director, shall be submitted to Planning Service, copy furnished the Undersecretary for FOG/SSO and the Assistant Secretary for Operations on or before the 15th day of the ensuing month.
The BLAD Director, upon receipt of DARROs' reports on: a) CFs transmitted to LBP; b) leasehold operations; and c) Commercial Farm Deferment shall validate, consolidate and process the same to come up with a BLAD National Report (For the month of _________ CY 199___ or _______ Quarter, CY 199_____, as the case may be). This report, duly signed by the BLAD Director, shall be submitted to Planning Service, copy furnished the Undersecretary for FOG/SSO and the Assistant Secretary for Operations on or before 15th day of the 1st month of the succeeding quarter, for quarterly reports.
The BARBD Director, upon receipt of DARROs' reports on: a) ARC Development b) BARC Operationalization; c) PO/NGO consultation; and d) Education and Training for ARBs, shall validate, consolidate and process the same to come up with a BARBD National Report (_______ Quarter, CY 199___). This report, duly signed by the BARBD Director, shall be submitted to Planning Service, copy furnished the Undersecretary for FOG/SSO and the Assistant Secretary for SSO, on or before 15th day of the ensuing month, for monthly reports, and on or before 15th day of the 1st month of the succeeding quarter, for quarterly reports.
The PDMS Director, upon receipt of DARROS' reports on: a) Economic Support Services; and b) Physical Infrastructure Support Services, shall validate, consolidate and process the same to come up with a PDMS National Report (_______ Quarter, CY 199___). This report, duly signed by the PDMS Director, shall be submitted to Planning Service, copy furnished the Undersecretary for FOG/SSO and the Assistant Secretary for SSO, on or before 15th day of the 1st month of the succeeding quarter, for quarterly reports.
The Assistant Secretaries for Operations and Support Services shall be responsible in ensuring that BLD, and BLAD and BARBD and PDMS comply with this Circular.
The Assistant Secretaries, Bureau Directors, Service Chiefs and any other Unit/Division Heads in FOG/SSO shall not require submission of accomplishment reports of key activities from the Field Offices other than reports prescribed by this Circular except directed by the Undersecretary.
Pending the full implementation of this Memorandum Circular, OLT Forms 1 to 5 shall be submitted by the PARO on a quarterly basis direct to DARCO, Attention: BLAD. The EO 407/448 Tracking Form shall, likewise, be submitted on a monthly basis until such time as the BLAD Tracks Inventory shall have been fully implemented and upon the instructions of the Undersecretary for Field Operations and Support Services Office.
Under this Circular, the RDs, PAROs, and Bureaus /Service Directors shall be accountable for the accuracy and timeliness of the sectoral reports. They are likewise directed to establish in coordination with MIS the database system to support the summary reports. Any unreasonable delay or failure to submit report within the period shall subject the Official responsible to administrative sanctions under the existing rules and regulations.
This Circular takes effect immediately. Any circular, order and/or issuance inconsistent herewith is hereby modified and superseded accordingly.
June 17, 1996, Quezon City.