October 21, 1997
TO : All Concerned Officials and
Personnel of the Department of
Agrarian Reform and Land Bank
of the Philippines
SUBJECT : Land Distribution and Information
To facilitate the collection of land amortization of properties acquired under CARP, the attached Land Distribution and Information Schedule (CARP Form No. 22) is hereby adopted for implementation by the agencies concerned. HCDAcE
The instructions in accomplishing the Schedule are likewise attached for the guidance of all concerned. The DAR Regional Directors and their counterpart LBP LVLCO Heads are further directed to submit to their respective Head Offices a quarterly report of all Schedules accomplished, within five (5) days from end of reference quarter by using the attached Monitoring Report (CARP Form No. 22.a).
Compliance herewith is enjoined.
Diliman, Quezon City, October 21, 1997.
Secretary, DAR
Acting President, LBP
General Instructions
1) The Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) and the Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) shall be responsible for accomplishing the DAR-LBP Form No. 22. This form was designed to provide information for the computation of the amortization that the FB should pay the government through LBP.
2) Accomplish the DAR-LBP Form No. 22 for registered CLOA titles that cover landholdings acquired by DAR and paid by LBP under the following conditions:
a) If only one CLOA title will be distributed for the acquired landholding, i.e., the whole-acquired land is distributed to only one farmer-beneficiary (FB); or if several CLOA titles are issued directly to the FBs of an acquired landholding. Under this condition, the Mother CLOA Information portion of the form should not be accomplished.
b) If the property was previously covered by a Mother CLOA that has been cancelled and replaced by individual CLOA titles issued to the FBs. Under this condition, the Mother CLOA Information portion of the form should be filled-out.
3) The DAR shall submit the following documents to LBP-LVO, in cases where the following conditions exist:
Condition... What to submit...
a) If a replacement CLOA title is
issued to a new FB-Awardee Copy of Order re: Transfer Action
due to the cancellation of a
CLOA title.
b) If a single CLOA titled is issued
to a Cooperative, to a registered Copy of registered CLOA and date of
farmer's association, or to a group occupancy. Additional requirement
of farmers who agree that in the case of farmer-group:
property will not be subdivided Certification signed by all FB
among them. members that the property will not
be subdivided and that they shall be
liable jointly and severally for the
land amortization due.
4) In accomplishing the forms, take note of the following:
a) This form has two main sections that are divided by a double vertical line. The DAR Provincial Office personnel shall fill-out the information at the left side of the vertical double line. This includes columns 1 to 11 of the table, and the information above and below the table. The LBP-LVO personnel shall accomplish all information at the right side of the double vertical line including columns 12 to 18 of the table.
b) Accomplish one form for each property covered by 1 TCT/OCT or TD (if untitled) that has been acquired and distributed by DAR and paid by LBP.
5) Accomplish four copies of the DAR-LBP form. These copies would be distributed as follows:
Copy No. 1 for the DAR Provincial Office (partially filled-out form),
Copy No. 2 for the LBP-LVO,
Copy No. 3 for the LBP Head Office,
Copy No. 4 for the DAR Provincial Office (completely filled-out form).
6) Undertake the following procedures in the submission of the forms:
a) After receipt of registered CLOA titles from the Register of Deeds (ROD), the DARPO shall accomplish four copies of the DAR-LBP form.
b) The DARPO shall submit Copies No. 2 to 4 of the accomplished form to LBP-LVO, Copy No. 1 shall be used as initial control/file copy of the DARPO.
c) The LBP-LVO shall accomplish the remaining portion of Copies No. 2 to 4 of the form. Thereafter, LBP-LVO shall submit Copy No. 3 to LBP Head Office and Copy No. 4 to DARPO.
d) The DARPO shall then provide a photocopy of the completely accomplished Copy No. 4 of the form to DARRO for information, file, and reference.
Specific Instructions
To be filled-out by DAR Personnel
Data Elements Description
Original Property, Information
Name of Landowner Refers to the owner of the land as reflected in the title
(for titled properties) or tax declaration (for untitled
In case of individual ownership, reflect the complete
name of the landowner. Use the format {last name,
first name, and middle name or initials}.
In case of corporate ownership, reflect the complete
name of the company or corporation. Please do not
Location of Property Write the address where the property is located. Use
the format {barangay, municipality, province}.
Title No. The number assigned by ROD to the title covering the original property.
Survey No. The survey number assigned by DENR to the property.
Lot No. The lot number assigned to the property by DENR.
TD No. The tax declaration number of the property as assigned
by the Municipal Assessor's Office.
Area per Title/TD The area of the land as reflected in the title. If land is
(ha.) untitled, reflect the area shown in the tax declaration.
Express the area in hectares.
Total Area Acquired The area of the land acquired by DAR for distribution
(ha.) and paid by LBP. Express the area in hectares. aTEAHc
RP Title No. The title number assigned by ROD when the land was
transferred to the Government of the Philippines.
Date Registered The date when the RP title was registered. Express the
date in the {mm/dd/yyyy} format.
Mother CLOA The data elements under this heading shall only be
Information accomplished if the CLOA titles covered by the report
were previously covered by a mother CLOA title.
Title No. The title number assigned to the mother CLOA.
Date Registered The date when the mother CLOA was registered by
ROD. Express the date in the {mm/dd/yyyy} format.
Individual Lots In case the individual lots reflected in the form are
Information previously covered by a mother CLOA title, the total
area of all individual CLOA titles covering the
individual lots should tally with the total acquired
area reflected in the upper portion of the form.
In case a portion of the land shall be commonly owned
by the individual CLOA holders, a separate collective
CLOA shall be issued for said portion. The sum of the
areas covered by the individual CLOA titles, and the
separate collective CLOA(s) should tally with the total
acquired area reflected in the upper portion, of the
Subdivision. Survey The survey number of the plan that covers the lots that
Number are reflected in the table as a result of the subdivision
survey. This information shall be reflected only once.
Name of Beneficiary The name of the farmer-beneficiary in the format {last
name, first name, middle name or initials}.
In case of "commonly owned" lots, reflect "Commonly
Owned Property". There is no need to reflect the
name(s) of the FBs.
Name of Spouse The name of the husband or wife of the farmer-
Use the format {last name, first name, middle name or
In case of commonly owned lots, there is no need to
reflect the name(s) of spouse of the FBs.
Address of The location where the beneficiary is residing. Use the
Beneficiary format {Barangay, Municipality. Province}.
In case of commonly owned lots, there is no need to
reflect the addresses of the FBs.
Lot No. The lot number of the subdivided lot/parcel covered by
the CLOA title that will be distributed to the farmer-
CLOA Information
Serial No. The serial number of the judicial form used covering the
lot/parcel to be given to the farmer-beneficiary.
Title No. The title number of the registered individual CLOA
assigned by the ROD.
Reg'n Date The date when the CLOA was registered with the ROD.
Express the date in {mm/dd/yyyy} format.
Occupancy Date The date when the FB has actually occupied the
lot/parcel that is covered by the CLOA title. Express the
date in {mm/dd/yyyy} format.
Please note that the occupancy date information shall
be gathered for the computation of the amortization
schedule only. If occupancy of the land occurred
before the date of CLOA registration, then the basis
for the amortization schedule would be the date of
CLOA registration. If the occupancy date occurred
after the date of CLOA registration, then the
occupancy date would be the basis for the amortization
Area (sq.m.) The area of the lot/parcel covered by the registered
CLOA title. Express the area in square meters.
Land Use The DAR and LBP shall jointly capture the information
under land use. These offices may use a separate
worksheet before finalizing the data to be reflected in
these columns.
In case of differences, DAR and LBP should jointly
discuss and agree on the information to be reflected.
Crop The crop planted to the lot/parcel (covered by the
CLOA) as reflected in the FIR that was used as a basis
in the computation of land valuation.
The form has three rows to accommodate more than one
crop planted to a lot for a given time period.
Area (sq.m.) The area of the portion of the land where the
corresponding crop reflected is planted. Express the
area in square meters.
The total area under this column should be equal to the
reflected figure under 'Total Area Acquired (ha)'.
Certified Correct (by DAR):
Print Name & The printed name of the PARO and his/her signature.
Signature The person who prepared and the person who reviewed
the report should affix their initials.
DARPO-{Province The name of the province that is covered by the report.
Remarks Any additional information that is necessary in preparing
the amortization schedule.
To be filled-out by LBP Personnel.
Data Element Description
Reference Claim No. The number assigned by LBP to the acquisition claim
AGP / Crop (P)
Per Ha. The annual yield/produce of the crop per hectare (as
established jointly by DAR and LBP) which is reflected
in the CPF or CVPF.
Aggregate The total peso value of the annual yield/produce
determined by using the formula:
Column 11 x Column 12 x 0.0001.
Approved Value/Crop (P)
Per Ha. The amount approved for payment for the specific crop
per hectare.
Total The total peso value of the land awarded to the
beneficiary determined by using the formula:
Column 11 x Column 14 x 0.0001.
Type The description of the improvements such as warehouse,
farm buildings, processing plant, driers, tractors,
threshers, hauling equipment, etc.
Appraised Value The amount/value of the property as determined by Land
ERUL Estimated remaining useful life of the property
expressed in years.
Certified Correct (by LBP)
Print Name & The printed name and signature of the Head of the LBP-
Signature LVO. The person who prepared and the person who
reviewed the report should affix their initials.
{Region Number} The region number where the LVO is located.
Remarks Any additional information that may be necessary in the
preparation of the amortization schedule. CTHDcE
1. The DARPO shall prepare 5 copies of this form; distribution of the final report shall be as follows:
Copy No. 1 DARPO
Copy No. 2 LBP-LVO
Copy No. 3 DARRO
Copy No. 4 LBP Head Office
2. The DARPO shall submit to LBP-LVO the LDIS Accomplishment Report form within 5 days from end of reference quarter.
3. The LBP-LVO shall accomplish the lower portion of the form and shall forward the completed copies to the aforementioned offices within 5 days from receipt of the partially accomplished LDIS Accomplishment Report from DARPO.
4. The DARPO and LBP-LVO should reconcile the figures before transmitting the completed copies to the different Offices.