November 23, 2000
SUBJECT : Guidelines In The Grant Of The Health Care And Maintenance Personnel
Welfare Incentive Allowance
I. Background:
The Department of Agrarian Reform is mandated to lead the implementation of the government's social program, the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program. In recognition of the continuous efforts and the employees who face day-to-day health hazards in the performance of their official duties and responsibilities, and pursuant to Section 1, Rule XI (Employee Relations and Services) of the Omnibus Rules, implementing Section 31, Book V of Executive Order No. 292, the Office of the President approved on 6 November 2000, the grant of Five Hundred Pesos (P500) per month or Six Thousand Pesos (P6,000) per year per employee of the Department as part of the Health Care Maintenance and Personnel Welfare Incentive Allowance (HCMPWIA) for employees effective CY 2000.
II. Principles And Guidelines:
The HCMPWIA provides assistance to DAR employees overcome the present high cost of hospitalization and medical bills. It is for this purpose that each and every DAR employee is required to be enrolled the DAREA Med+Care Plus Plan and/or any private HMO of their choice. AacDHE
To ensure the continuous delivery of health care benefits/services of the employees the following guidelines shall apply:
1.) For year 2000: Of the total amount of P6,000 per employee per year, an amount of P4,000 shall be paid to them in cash while the other P2,000 shall be paid directly to the DAREA Med+Care Plus Plan and/or to a private HMO where they are presently enrolled.
2.) For year 2001 onwards: The amount of P4,000 shall be paid directly to the DAREA Med+Care Plus Plan and/or to a private HMO where the employees are presently enrolled while the P2,000 shall be paid in cash to the employees.
3.) Any amount paid in excess of the health insurance coverage shall be refunded by the DAREA Med+Care Plus Plan and/or the private HMO of their choice.
III. Coverage
This covers all DAR and employees whether regular, temporary or contractual, including detailed personnel who shall receive their benefits from the offices where they are currently assigned.
IV. Funding
For the year, funds for this purpose shall be subject to the availability of funds of the respective central/provincial offices. In ensuing years, however, the concerned offices shall make that funds this purposes are incorporated in their annual budget.
This Order takes effect immediately.