May 18, 2000
SUBJECT : Revised Rates Of Fees And Charges
Pursuant to Section 54, Chapter 12, Book IV of Executive Order No. 292 (Administrative Code of 1987), Executive Order No. 159 dated February 23, 1994 and Memorandum Order No. 199 dated April 1, 1994, Malacañang, and in order to ensure proper, uniform of fees, the following rates of fees and charges for certain administrative services rendered by Legal Services, Records Management Division and other offices of the Department of Agrarian Reform are hereby prescribed:
Nature of Services Amount of Fees
1. Appeals or Petitions filed against Decisions or P 500.00
Orders of offices or agencies a quo
2. Authentication of every signature on any official 50.00
record or document
3. Certification of every document or information based 25.00
on records
4. Copy fee for every page/sheet of official records or 5.00
This Order shall take effect immediately.
Diliman, Quezon City, May 18, 2000.
SECTION 54. Charges for Property Sold or Services Rendered; Refunds. — (1) For services required by law to be rendered for a fee, for supplies furnished, or articles of any kind sold to other divisions of the government or to any person, the head of bureau, office or agency may, upon approval of the Secretary charge and collect the cost of the service, supplies, or articles or other rate in excess of cost prescribed by law or approved by the same authority. For local governments, the rate, except where otherwise prescribed by law, shall be fixed at cost or at such other reasonable rate in excess of cost by the boards or councils concerned;
(2) The officer authorized to fix the amount to be paid for service rendered and supplies or articles furnished or sold may recommend that the whole or part of any sum so paid be refunded, upon approval of the Commission on Audit.
SECTION 55. Disposition of Miscellaneous Bureau Receipts. — In the absence of special provision, money collected for property sold or service rendered, and all other receipts or earnings of bureaus, offices, and agencies not derived from taxation, shall accrue to the general unappropriated funds of the National Government.
SECTION 56. Printing of Studies and Researches. — With the approval of the Secretary, a bureau, office, or agency may print its studies, researches and similar materials for distribution at cost to the public. The Secretary may authorize the printing or reprinting of the said materials by private persons for sale to the public upon payment of such royalties as may be fixed by him, which shall accrue to the general fund.
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 54, Chapter 12, Book IV, of Executive Order No. 292 (Administrative Code of 1987), the heads of bureaus, offices, or agencies may, upon approval of the department head, charge and collect the cost of the services rendered by the bureau, office or agency or other rate in excess of cost prescribed by law or approved by the same authority;
WHEREAS, it is the goal of government; 1) to promote full recovery of cost of services to free other government revenues for priority projects; and 2) to ensure equitable distribution of the burden of cost recovery by having the direct recipients of governments services account for the costs; and cd
WHEREAS, efficiency in government is enhanced by an accentuated cost-consciousness and public accountability through a system of reportorial requirements and sanctions.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, FIDEL V. RAMOS, President of the Republic of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby order:
SECTION 1 . All departments, bureaus, offices, units, and agencies, including government-owned or controlled corporations, are hereby directed to revise their fees and charges to recover at least the full cost of services rendered.
The full cost of services for the year rendered by a government department, bureau, office, unit, or agency, including government-owned or controlled corporation, shall be equivalent to the appropriation of said department, bureau, office, unit or agency for the year under the relevant General Appropriations Act or under the Corporate Operating Budget submitted by the government-owned or controlled corporation as approved by the Department of Budget and Management.
The revised rates shall, wherever practicable, be uniform for similar or comparable services and functions and shall be determined by the respective department heads, governing boards, or equivalent functionaries; Provided that, this Executive Order shall not apply to fees charged by departments, bureaus, offices, units, and agencies, including government-owned or controlled corporations, related to constitutionally mandated free or subsidized services, such as in education and health, as well as to those exempted by international agreements, as shall be determined by the President.
SECTION 2. The heads of departments shall be responsible for the implementation of this Executive Order by the bureaus, offices, units, and agencies, including government-owned or controlled corporations, within their respective jurisdictions. cdt
SECTION 3. No appropriation for a particular department, bureau, office, unit, or agency, including government-owned or controlled corporation, shall be released by the Department of Budget and Management until after a report of compliance hereto has been submitted by the department, bureau office, unit, or agency, including government-owned or controlled corporation, to the Office of the President through the Department of Budget and Management.
SECTION 4. In submitting their proposed budgets with the Department of Budget and Management, government departments, bureaus, offices, units and agencies, including government-owned or controlled corporations, shall also be required to submit a corresponding summary of expected revenues.
SECTION 5. Government departments, bureaus, offices, units, and agencies, including governments- owned or controlled corporation, charging higher rates than those provided for under this Executive Order by virtue of special laws for services rendered shall continue to charge such higher rates under such special laws.
SECTION 6. The Department of Finance and the Department of Budget and Management shall jointly promulgate the rules and regulations to implement this Executive Order.
SECTION 7. All executive issuances or parts thereof which are inconsistent with any of the provisions of this Executive Order are hereby repealed or modified accordingly. cdt
SECTION 8. This Executive Order shall take effect immediately.
DONE in the City of Manila, this 23rd day of February in the year of Our Lord, Nineteen Hundred and Ninety-Four.
Pursuant to Section 54, Chapter 12, Book IV of Executive Order No. 292 (the Administrative Code of 1987), and Executive Order No. 159 dated February 23, 1994, the following rates of fees for certain administrative services rendered by the Legal Office of the Office of the President (Proper) are hereby prescribed:
Nature of Service(s) Amount of Fees
1. Processing fee for every application
for treasure-hunting permit/contract P15,000
Processing fee for every renewal of
treasure-hunting permit/contract P7,500
2. Review or approval of contracts, geo-
physical survey and exploration contracts
and other agreements at the instance of
private individuals or entities P5,000
3. Action on immigration matters P5,000
4. Preparation of proclamations and other
presidential issuances at the instance
of private individuals or entities P1,000
5. Appeals or petitions filed against
decisions or orders of offices or
agencies a quo P500
6. Complaints against, or requests for
the investigation of, local elective
officials P200
7. Authentication of every signature on
any official record or document P50
8. Certification of every document or
information based on records P25
9. Copy fee for every page/sheet of
official records or documents P5
Memorandum Order No. 158 dated August 1, 1993 and all other orders inconsistent herewith are hereby revoked.
This Order shall take effect on April 1, 1994.
Manila, March 29, 1994