September 29, 2009
SUBJECT : Addendum to DAR Memorandum Circular No. 11, s. of 2009, Entitled, Policies and Guidelines Governing the Profiling of One (1) Million Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries (ARBs) Under the ARB Database System
I. Introduction
In view of evolving issues and concerns on the implementation of the project on Profiling of one (1) million ARBs under the ARB Database System, and in order to achieve the objectives of the project with honesty and integrity, this Memorandum Circular is hereby issued to provide for additional policies and guidelines on project implementation and completion and as addendum to DAR Memorandum Circular No. 11, s. of 2009. AacCIT
II. Expected Outputs
The engagement with Berkman International, Inc. (BII) required the latter to produce complete and accurate profiles of one (1) million ARBs. The expected output is hereby modified to include ARB profiles that cannot be completed in view of absence or lack of information on other data elements as a result of transfer actions, abandonment, illegal transactions such as sale, mortgage, and the like and that the ARBs may no longer be in actual possession and cultivation of their awarded lands. The modification is consistent with the primary objective of the project which is to determine the whereabouts and status of the ARBs as to ownership of the lands awarded to them, status of cultivation, income and productivity, and other related information.
III. Obligations, Duties and Functions of the Contractor
1. In consideration of the modification in the expected output profiles, the Contractor's Enumerators shall ensure the total enumeration of ARBs in a particular barangay regardless of the completeness of the LAD-ARB Carding Data Gathering Form 1-A prior to transfer to other barangays.
2. Incomplete LAD-ARB Data Gathering Form 1-A shall no longer be submitted directly to the DARCO Project Implementing Team (PIT) or Project Technical Working Group (PTWG) but shall form part of the ARB profiles to be submitted to the DAR Municipal Agrarian Reform Officer (DARMO) for review and verification as to accuracy. The same shall form part of the profiles to be indexed, to be issued Certificate of Acceptance by the Municipal Agrarian Reform Officers (MAROs) and to be transmitted to the DAR Provincial Agrarian Reform Office (DARPO) for encoding into the Data Entry System (DES).
3. The Contractor's Enumerators shall exert all efforts to take pictures of the ARBs' within their scheduled period of profiling in a specific barangay or area. If an ARB is not available for picture taking within the set timeline or that the Enumerators could not take the ARB pictures within the set timeline for circumstances beyond his/her control, it shall already be an obligation of the MARO to return to the ARB and take the latter's picture. In all cases, the reason for the non-availability of the ARB title-holder should be noted or properly remarked as such in the LAD-ARB Carding Form No. 1 corresponding to that ARB. DCcIaE
4. A weekly summary list of the ARBs' profiled based on the DARPO and DARMO's ARB Profiling target shall be submitted to the MARO by the Contractor's Municipal Supervisor using BII ARB Profiling Form No. 1. The summary report shall provide for the date the ARBs were profiled and photographed.
IV. Responsibilities of the Different DAR Offices
The following are hereby issued as additional instructions to the various DAR offices pertaining to their respective project roles and responsibilities:
1. The MAROs or their authorized representative shall:
• coordinate with the Enumerators and Municipal Supervisors assigned in their respective Municipalities as to their schedules of surveys and data gathering and shall ensure the appearance of the target ARBs during the said schedules. This is to facilitate data gathering and completion of the ARB profiles and avoid instances where the enumerators has to go back to the ARBs just to get their pictures/photographs.
• Review and verify the accomplished LAD-ARB Carding Forms No. 1 submitted by the Municipal Supervisors. If the LAD-ARB Carding Forms No. 1 submitted were found acceptable, affix his/her signatures on the forms tantamount to acceptance of the same. The Certificates of Acceptance shall cover not only complete and correct ARB profiles but also those incomplete LAD-ARB Carding Forms No. 1 of ARBs in the EP/CLOA master list who are no longer in actual possession and cultivation of their awarded lands. The MARO shall be guided by the following information in determining what constitute incomplete profiles:
a. abandonment;
b. transfer action pursuant to DAR Administrative Order No. 8, S. of 1995;
c. mortgage where actual occupant is already the mortgagee; AcSEHT
d. illegal transfer where no new ownership title was issued or no transfer of ownership was effected yet but the actual occupant is already the prospective bidder/transferee himself/herself;
e. Illegal sale or transfer action done outside the process of DAR AO 8, s. of 1995.
• Receive and sign the Memorandum Receipts for the digital cameras issued for the project.
2. The Provincial Agrarian Reform Officers (PAROs) shall:
• Ensure the generation by the DARPO-PMEU of the master list of ARBs covered and targeted for the project based on the updated DARPO EP/CLOA-IS. The said master list shall be given to the Enumerators for reference purposes;
• Create a Project Implementing Team or Project Technical Working Group at the Provincial Office that will be accountable and responsible in the monitoring of project activities and ensuring completion by the DARMOs and in the submission of required progress/monitoring report;
• Facilitate the transfer of the digital cameras to the MAROs and ensure that the corresponding Memorandum Receipts were duly signed thereof. Ensure that these cameras shall be available during the next round of profiling activity;
• Ensure the printing of the ARB pictures submitted and uploaded at the DARPO by the Municipal Supervisor. The printed pictures shall be attached to the Index Cards that were left at the DARMOs;
• Designate DARPO staff that will conduct validation of the 2% ARB profiles together with the contractor's Municipal Supervisor. This is to determine whether the processes undertaken by the enumerators were in accordance with the guidelines;
• Issue the Certificate of Acceptance for the 2% validated ARB profiles. AaSTIH
3. The Regional Directors (RDs) shall:
• Facilitate transfer of the digital cameras to the MAROs to ensure accountability. Ensure that these cameras shall be available during the next round of profiling activity;
• Create Regional Project Implementing Team or Regional Project Technical Working Group that will be accountable and responsible in the monitoring of project activities and ensuring project completion by the DARPOs and DARMOs. It shall also be responsible in consolidation and submission of regional project accomplishment report using DAR ARB Profiling Monitoring Form No. 3 (attached hereof).
• Provide the necessary leadership and policy direction and ensure that the project is well-managed at the regional level.
It is hereby reiterated that ARB profiling targets and outputs shall be included in the Performance Contract of the RDs, PAROs and in the System Performance Evaluation and Employee Development (SPEED) of the MAROs and all staff involved as well as in the Office Performance Evaluation System (OPES) of every DAR unit involved.
IV. Effectivity
This Memorandum Circular shall take effect immediately upon approval and shall remain in force unless modified or repealed accordingly.
Diliman, Quezon City, September 29, 2009.