January 28, 2000
SUBJECT : Program Beneficiaries Development (PBD) Directives For CY 2000
The Integrated Strategic Development Plan for CY 2000-CY 2004 (ISDP) of the Support Services Group was formulated to address the low level of ARB reach. The ISDP targets to reach out to a total of 1.8 million agrarian reform beneficiaries, 1.26 million of which are within the ARCs and 540,000 are outside of these areas. These would be achieved through an expanded and intensified approach to programs/projects implementation, supported by a vigorous social marketing campaign and institutional capacity strengthening.
Existing agrarian reform communities will be reclassified into prime agricultural areas, areas in-between and area inaccessible, based on agronomic, economic and ecological factor, and considerations.
By CY 2002, the total number of ARCs would have reached 2000, an increase of 106 % from 969 ARCs in 1998.
Specifically for CY 2000, the target is to reach out to 344.000 ARBs, of which 236,000 are within and 108,000 are outside the ARCs, bringing the total ARB reach to 480,290 by year-end.
To achieve the targets laid down in the Integrated Strategic Development Plan of the Support Services Group, tasks and responsibilities of concerned offices/units involved in PBD are hereby enumerated:
A. For Support Services Group-DARCO
The Support Services Group (OASSS, BARBD and PDMS/FAPsO) shall provide the needed support to the field offices to attain the set targets, through the following tasks:
1. Formulate and review/update PBD policies and guidelines in line-with the ISDP.
2. Finalize and ensure the implementation of the operation plans of all existing and new programs/projects identified in the ISDP.
3. Develop and/or strengthen the mechanism for providing technical assistance to other DARCO units/offices, field offices, and walk-in clients with regard to PBD.
4. Provide technical assistance in finalizing and implementing the plans of the nine (9) SRD convergence sites.
5. Mobilize PhP2 B for ARCs from foreign and local sources.
6. Strengthen the mechanisms for (a) managing foreign-assisted projects; (b) programming and monitoring of projects under the agrarian reform fund (ARF) and (c) collection of outstanding loan balances of projects.
7. Intensify existing mechanism on NGO/PO partnerships.
8. Develop and implement a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system for ARCs, ARBs, locally-funded projects and FAPs.
9. Strengthen the integrated PBD database, established and maintained by the OASSS.
10. Develop, in coordination with BARIE, a PBD-driven Human Resource Development (HRD) program for the SSG officials and staff, at the national and field levels.
11. Develop and implement a more responsive ARBD fund programming, downloading and monitoring system.
12. Expand and conduct regular SSG meetings, to include the SSG ExCom, ManCom, FAPs ExeCom, and General assembly, to facilitate information exchange and direction-setting.
B. For DAR-Field Offices
Likewise, the DAR-Field Offices (Regional, Provincial, and Municipal) have to achieve the following:
1. Launch 375 ARCs, to bring the total number of ARCs to 1,403 by end of the year.
2. Strengthen 1,915 ARC organizations.
3. Firm-up the ARC Development and Investment Plans by:
• Updating and consolidating the ARCDPs and IPs of the 1028 existing ARCs. 1
• Application of the FSD approach in selected FAPs and Non-FAPs ARCs.
• Expediting the preparation of ARCDPs of the 375 ARCs to be launched.
4. Classify all existing ARCs into Prime Agricultural areas, In-between areas and In-accessible areas based on the ARC Classification guidelines.
5. Facilitate the development of business plans of the 100 Priority ARCs under the MAGKASAKA Program.
6. In line with the PBD target to mobilize PhP 2 billion for ARCs nationwide both from foreign and local sources, the field offices should:
• Maximize venues for accessing local and foreign support such as donor's conferences, investment-matching fora, preparation of marketing documents and the volunteer program for ARCs,
• Enter into partnership programs with LGUs, NGOs, POs and line agencies; and,
• Firm-up projects for funding under the Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act.
7. Complete the processing of the 40% ARB Information and Monitoring System (AIMS) gathered before July 1999 suspension and submit to MIS on or before March 31, 2000.
This Memorandum Circular shall take effect immediately.
28 January 2000, Diliman Quezon City.
1. Based on the figure as of 3rd quarter of 1999.