August 8, 2001
TO : BALA Director
DAR Regional Directors
Provincial Agrarian Reform Officers
Municipal Agrarian Reform Officers
CLUPPI-2 Head Secretariat
All Concerned
SUBJECT : Inventory And Regular Monitoring Of Land Use Conversion And
In the interest of the service and pursuant to DAR Administrative Order (AO) No. 01 (Series of 1999), monitoring of status of all land use conversions shall be lodged at the Center for Land Use Policy, Planning and Implementation (CLUPPI-1) Secretariat. Moreover, the CLUPPI-1 Secretariat shall also handle the monitoring of all applications for exemptions covered by the following guidelines: AO No. 13 (S. 1990); AO No. 9 (S 1993;, AO No. 6 (S. 1994); AO No. 3 (S. 1995); and, DAR MC 25 (S. 1997).
In this regard, all DAR Regional Directors, Provincial Agrarian Reform Officers, Municipal Agrarian Reform Officers, the CLUPPI-2 Head Secretariat and the BALA Director are hereby directed to submit to the CLUPPI-1 Secretariat the following, within six (6) months from issuance of this MC:
a. Inventory of all applications for exemptions/exclusions that have been approved/disapproved since 1987 to June 2001;
b. Inventory of all applications for conversion that have been approved/disapproved since 1987 to June 2001;
c. List of all pending applications for conversion as of June 2001;
d. List of all pending applications for exemptions/exclusions as of June 2001;
e. Status of Motion for Reconsideration filed for applications for conversion from 1987 to March June; and,
f. Status of Motion for Reconsideration (MR) filed for application for exemptions/exclusions from 1987 to June 2001.
All Regional Directors and the CLUPPI-2 Head are also requested to submit on a regular basis, the status report of all applications for conversion and exclusions by quarter with accompanying copies of Orders, beginning the first quarter (January to March) of 2001. The first quarter reports shall be submitted to the CLUPPI-1 Secretariat immediately after issuance of this MC. Subsequent quarterly reports shall be submitted to the CLUPPI-1 Secretariat, two weeks after every quarter.
All Regional Directors are also hereby reminded to ensure that Records Division of the DAR Central Office were provided copies of all Orders issued over application for conversion and exemptions/exclusions as well as orders/decision on the MR.
To carry out the above-mentioned inventory and monitoring, attached are sets of inventory and monitoring forms for completion and submission of the offices concerned to the CLUPPI-1 Secretariat. In order to facilitate the establishment of the database, the diskette for inventory reports for both conversion and exemptions/exclusion shall also be submitted.
For strict compliance.
Issued on August 8, 2001. Quezon City.
ALEF Inventory Forms A-E
ALEF Quarterly Monitoring Forms A-E
LUC Inventory Forms A-C
LUC Quarterly Monitoring Forms A-C