October 15, 2001
TO : DAR Regional Directors, Provincial Agrarian Reform Officers, Municipal
Agrarian Reform Officers, All Concerned
SUBJECT : Issuance Of DAR Certification And Extending Full Support And Cooperation To
Local Government Units In The Preparation/Completion And/Or Updating Of
Their Comprehensive Land Use Plans
In support of the government's effort to extend support and cooperation to local government units (LGUs) and other concerned agencies in the preparation/completion and/or updating of the Comprehensive Land Use Plans (CLUPs) of the LGUs, and pursuant to Executive Order No. 204 (S. 2000), Executive Order No. 72 (S. 1993) and Presidential Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 54 (S. 1993), all Regional Directors, Provincial Agrarian Reform Officers and Municipal Agrarian Reform Officers are hereby directed to provide full support and cooperation with the concerned LGUs to guide them in protecting prime agricultural lands and ensuring food security for their localities. Specifically, you are instructed to perform the following tasks:
Municipal Agrarian Reform Officers
1. For LGUs preparing their CLUPs for the first time, the MARO shall:
a. Provide the LGUs information (including maps) on areas identified and declared as agrarian reform communities (ARCs) that are the foci of development interventions for agrarian reform and rural development; and,
b. Provide the LGUs information (including maps) on lands that are distributed or covered by a notice of coverage or voluntarily offered for coverage under CARP to serve as bases in the LGUs' delineation of areas for agricultural use.
2. For LGUs updating their CLUPs where agricultural lands are to be reclassified, pursuant to MC 54, the MARO shall:
a. Issue to LGUs, certification indicating whether or not lands being reclassified are distributed or covered by a notice of coverage or voluntarily offered for coverage under CARP.
3. In both cases, the MARO shall come up with municipal maps identifying areas that are distributed or covered under CARP and areas that have already been issued with approved Order of Conversion and/or Order of Exemption. SaDICE
4. Upon issuance of this MC, the MARO shall secure a copy of CLUP of the concerned LGU with accompanying Zoning Ordinance that was approved before June 15, 1988 as well as the copy of the revisions made in the CLUP. If the LGU has no approved CLUP, the MARO shall secure an LGU certification stating such.
The MARO shall continuously monitor the updating of the CLUP and secure a copy of such with the corresponding Zoning Ordinance.
5. The MARO shall furnish the PARO and the RARO of copies of all information/certifications submitted or issued by the MARO to the LGUs.
Provincial Agrarian Reform Officers
1. Consolidate the information/certifications provided by the MARO in order to come up with or validate provincial data/maps, which may also serve as inputs in his capacity as member of the Provincial Land Use Committee.
2. Secure a copy of the approved Provincial Land Use Plan and/or Provincial Physical Framework Plan.
3. Provide the MARO with technical and financial support and, if possible, source of funds in coming up with municipal maps indicating the areas distributed or covered under CARP and areas already issued with approved Order of Conversion and/exemption.
Regional Director
1. Provide technical and financial assistance to the MARO in coming up with municipal maps.
2. Come up with regional information on areas distributed to agrarian reform beneficiaries or areas covered under CARP and areas with approved order of conversion and exemption.
For your immediate compliance.
15 October 2001. Diliman, Quezon City.
DAR Secretary