April 25, 2002
FOR : Regional Directors (RDs), Provincial Agrarian Reform Officers (PAROs)
and Regional Information and Education Officers
SUBJECT : Instructions and Guidelines Governing the Provincial Consultations on
Agrarian Reform
In line with our concerted efforts to refine the Department's executive agenda as embodied in the Bayan-anihan program, and the concept of the People's Council for Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (PCARRD), we shall be conducting one-day Provincial Consultations (PCs) nationwide as a means for updating the CARP implementers, the agrarian reform stakeholders and publics, LGUs and members of civil society on the current state of CARP implementation in the province, the DAR's current response to the problems of CARP implementation, and to obtain insights on how well the Bayan-anihan and PCARRD can address their CARP-related problems, issues and concerns. CIDcHA
Specific objectives of the Provincial consultation workshops are attached as ANNEX A.
The Provincial Consultations (PCs)
Over a period of three weeks commencing May 8, 2002, the DAR Central Office shall be deploying teams of two to three people to conduct the Provincial Consultations in coordination with the PAROs and the Regional Information and Education Officers. The provincial schedules and the specific DARCO officials and staff who will be working with the PAROs in each of the provinces are attached hereto as ANNEX B.
The RDs and PAROs are advised to take note of the schedules and to make the following basic preparations:
• Arrangements for meals and a venue which can accommodate 50 to 75 persons, and workshop rooms or divisions for seven (7) workshop groups.
• Notification/invitation of all PC participants based on the list/ratio, and guidelines for the selection of ARB, LO, NGO/PO representation, attached hereto as ANNEX C, using the attached basic format (ANNEX D) for those provinces whose schedules come after May 10. For those provinces with schedules between May 8 and 10, please use ANNEX D1 as invitation format in view of time constraints.
• Reproduce/photocopy the Bayan-anihan and PCARRD materials for the PC Kits. Materials for the PC shall be sent to the RDs and/or PAROs as soon as possible. For those provinces with no e-mail facilities, the RDs shall be responsible for reproducing a hard copy and sending these to the said provinces by courier for immediate reproduction.
• Organize a provincial secretariat which shall ensure the CSW of all the pertinent activities of the PCs, to include the documentation of the proceedings, preparation of consultation reports, and assisting the DARCO teams and officials in facilitating the consultations. The DARCO teams shall meet with the provincial secretariats upon their arrival in the province to brief them on the documentation and reporting format to be used, and other pertinent concerns. All provinces shall be required to send the Provincial Consultation Report no later than two days after the conduct of the PC to Director Ramonesa R. Ricardo through Fax No. (02) 631-2123 or e-mail address babyr@dap.edu.ph, copy furnished Director Martha Carmel C. Salcedo, e-mail address ESCRD-PSRS@dar.gov.ph. All meta cards and manila paper filled out during the workshops by the facilitators and participants, together with the registration forms with the attached two resolutions of the participants' organizations where applicable, should be sent by courier (e.g. LBC, DHL etc.) to Director Martha Carmel Salcedo, Policy and Strategic Research Service, 3/F Dept. of Agrarian Reform, Elliptical Rd. Diliman, Quezon City as soon as these are packed right after the provincial consultation.
• Ensure that materials such as manila paper, pentel pens, masking tape, meta cards measuring 1 foot X 4 inches (4 colors, white-150 pcs/other colors-100 pcs per color) overhead projector, screen, and most importantly, a VHS unit for the film presentation and an LCD projector, or two to three television sets that are set-up for simultaneous film (VHS) showing, and the usual workshop requirements, are made available for the PC.
• Prepare registration forms for the PC participants which will reflect the participants' personal circumstances and affiliations. There should also be a space for the participants to write down their expectations of the consultation. Resolutions authorizing the participant to represent his/her organization/association and the resolution of the organizations they are representing, as stipulated in the invitation letter, as the case may be (ANNEX D and D1), should be attached to the registration form and submitted to the Provincial Secretariat before the start of the consultations.
• Arrange for the billeting of the DARCO teams and assist in their inter-province transportation.
The Provincial Consultations shall be a joint endeavor of the Provincial Agrarian Reform Committee (PARCCOM) and the DAR. Please ensure that all streamers and Programs reflect this collaborative effort by citing the PARCCOM as co-sponsor.
Each province shall be allocated a budget of Php 30,000 to cover all expenses for the provincial consultations. Php 20,000 shall be contributed by the PARCCOM while Php 10,000 shall come from the DARCO. Guidelines on the transfer of these funds shall be issued by the PARC Secretariat.
Please note that part of the program of activities of the PC shall be the presentation by the PARO of the status of agrarian reform implementation in the province in the areas of land acquisition and distribution, support service delivery, and the delivery of agrarian justice. Please see ANNEX E for the program of activities. This Program should be finalized accordingly by province (i.e., stipulation of specific personalities, etc.) and reproduced for the participants. Should there be a Local Chief Executive present, he may, as a matter of protocol, be requested by the PARO to say a few words.
As agreed during the Fontana exercise on April 12, the Regional Information and Education Officers shall assist the DARCO teams in the provincial consultations in supervising the proper documentation of proceedings and facilitation.
Subsequent to the Provincial Consultations, the consolidated output shall be utilized as input for refining and finalizing the DAR's Bayan-anihan Program. HCIaDT
For the information and compliance of all concerned.
Issued this 25th day of April, 2002.
By the end of the one-day consultation workshop, the participants should have:
1. A common appreciation of the state of CARP implementation in the province;
2. An awareness of the DAR's current response to the problems of CARP implementation; and
3. Shared their insights on how well the Bayan-anihan and PCARRD can address their CARP-related problems, issues and concerns.
Provincial Consultations
Delegates to the Provincial Consultations should be chosen from among the following:
1.1 Leaders of local farmer organizations and people's organizations
1.2 Heads of Local Non-government organizations (NGOs), academic institutions and church-based organizations (Social Action Centers) that are implementing programs related to the ARRD
1.3 Members of the Provincial Agrarian Reform Coordinating Committee (PARCCOM)
1.4 Selected leaders of Farmer Organizations and Cooperatives Representing Agrarian Reform Communities (ARCs)
1.5 Members of the Provincial CARP Implementing Team (PCI Team)
1.6 Leaders of Local Landowner Associations
1.7 Landowners/Managers of lands and/or plantations under the coverage of CARP
1.8 Key DAR executives from Regional, Provincial & Municipal offices
1.9 All Local Chief Executives of Local Government Units where CARP and other DAR programs are implemented
The delegate is expected to articulate the sentiments of the sending organization
The sending organization should provide its representative with a Certification or Letter Endorsement to signify that the representative may participate on their behalf. This is important especially in relation to the CARP-related issues and concerns that their group may recognize and the identification of possible solutions.
The maximum number of participants to the Provincial Consultations is 70 persons.
The distribution of representation should be:
PCIT (5), PARCCOM (5), LCEs (10), DAR executives (10) - 30
Local farmers' organizations, POs and ARC organizations - 24
Leaders of local landowners' associations, plantation managers - 12
NGOs - 4
In areas where the numbers are difficult to achieve, additional participants should be chosen from the beneficiaries.
The Provincial Agrarian Reform Officer (PARO) is responsible for inviting participants and for following up their attendance to this workshop.
29 April 2002
Dear Sir/Madam:
In line with our concerted efforts to fine-tune the Department's executive agenda as embodied in the Bayan-anihan program, and the concept of the People's Council for Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (PCARRD), we shall be conducting one-day Provincial Consultations (PCs) nationwide as a means for consensus building amongst the CARP implementers, the agrarian reform stakeholders and publics, LGUs and members of civil society on the major policy issues and concerns besetting the CARP, and the DAR's programs towards addressing these gray areas in program implementation.
The Provincial Consultations will be undertaken to address the need to provide agrarian reform stakeholders an update on CARP Implementation, DAR's current response to the problems of CARP implementation, and to obtain insights on how well the Bayan-anihan and PCARRD can address their CARP-related problems, issues and concerns:
Expected participants to the Provincial Consultation are representatives of farmer-beneficiary organizations, non-government organizations (NGOs), DAR executives and personnel, local chief Executives (LCEs), leaders of local landowners associations, representatives of CARP Implementing Agencies, PARCCOM members. HDcaAI
As such, we would like to solicit your support and participation by sending a representative to the Provincial Consultation on _______________, 2002, at _____________________, to be held at ____________________________. May we also request your organization to undertake the process of identifying problems, issues, needs and concerns related to CARP's LTI, SSD, and AJ and drawing out your suggested resolutions prior to the provincial consultation.
Further, may we request that you embody your organization's issues and concerns and suggested solutions in a formal resolution, and that your duly designated representative/s be given a written endorsement or letter of authorization to represent your organization.
We look forward to your full support to this milestone activity as we continue to pursue the full implementation of CARP and the programs of the Department.
Thank you.
Very truly yours,
29 April 2002
Dear Sir/Madam:
In line with our concerted efforts to fine-tune the Department's executive agenda as embodied in the Bayan-anihan program, and the concept of the People's Council for Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (PCARRD), we shall be conducting one-day Provincial Consultations (PCs) nationwide as a means for consensus building amongst the CARP implementers, the agrarian reform stakeholders and publics, LGUs and members of civil society on the major policy issues and concerns besetting the CARP, and the DAR's programs towards addressing these gray areas in program implementation.
The Provincial Consultations will be undertaken to address the need to provide agrarian reform stakeholders an update on CARP Implementation, DAR's current response to the problems of CARP implementation, and to obtain insights on how well the Bayan-anihan and PCARRD can address their CARP-related problems, issues and concerns:
Expected participants to the Provincial Consultation are representatives of farmer-beneficiary organizations, non-government organizations (NGOs), DAR executives and personnel, local chief executives (LCEs), leaders of local landowner associations, representatives of CARP Implementing Agencies, PARCCOM members
As such, we would like to solicit your support and participation by sending a representative to the Provincial Consultation ____________________, 2002, _________________, to be held at ___________________.
May we request that your duly designated representative/s be given a written endorsement or letter of authorization to represent your organization.
We look forward to your full support to this milestone activity as we continue to pursue the full implementation of CARP and the programs of the Department.
Thank you.
Very truly yours,
Schedule of Activities
8:00 — 8:30 | Registration | |
8:30 — 9:15 | Preliminaries | |
• Invocation | ||
• National Anthem/Provincial Anthem | ||
• Welcome Remarks | ||
• Message from LCE | ||
• Introduction of participants | ||
9:15 — 10:00 | • Leveling of Expectations | |
• Presentation of Workshop Rationale, Objectives | ||
10:00 — 10:15 | Morning Break | |
10:15 — 11:15 | Presentation of the Bayan-anihan Program | |
• Open Forum | ||
11:15 — 12:15 | PARO Report: The State of CARP | |
Implementation in the Province | ||
• Open Forum | ||
12:15 — 1:30 | LUNCH BREAK | |
1:30 — 2:30 | Workshop: An Assessment of the | |
Responsiveness of the Bayan-anihan to | ||
the CARP-related Needs of the Province | ||
2:30 — 3:30 | • Presentation of Workshop Outputs | |
• Processing and Synthesis | ||
3:30 — 3:45 | Afternoon Break | |
3:45 — 4:45 | Presentation of PCARRD | |
• Open Forum | ||
4:45 — 5:30 | Agreements | |
Closing Program |