January 31, 2000
SUBJECT : Operational Planning and Procedural Guidelines for Magkasaka Programme Implementors
The Magkasaka Programme is a major component of the strategy of the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) in its efforts to complete land acquisition and distribution (LAD) by the year 2004. Through this Programme, the DAR shall encourage and obtain private sector participation in enabling Filipino farmers and rural agro-industrial workers to compete globally.
The Magkasaka Programme builds upon the gains and lessons learned from the implementation of its Agrarian Reform Community (ARC) Development Programme. Whereas it is true that the latter has so far only been able to touch the lives of twenty-eight per cent (28%) of the total number of actual agrarian reform beneficiaries, such would not have been possible had it not been for the foreign-assisted projects and, more importantly, the critical engagement and timely support of autonomous peasant people's organization (POs) and non-government organizations (NGOs).
In retrospect, it is acknowledged that official development assistance (ODA) contributed to DAR accomplishments in rural development by providing the technical and financial resources needed for what would have otherwise resulted in the non-delivery of public infrastructure and support services to the ARCs. What can not be discounted, however, is that the mobilization by civil society partners and advocates of warm sentient bodies and the investment of venture capital and entrepreneurial skills by the more progressive segment of the business sector made the difference in the outcomes of the grassroots implementation of the ARC strategy. As envisioned, these ARCs now serve as the growth points for agricultural modernization in the Strategic Agriculture and Fisheries Development Zones (SAFDZs).
The next step in ARC development plan is the integration of the agricultural production systems of the mostly agropolitan ARCs with the agro-industrial plants in the few in-between and prime ARCs. These economically integrated ARCs then expand by linking up with adjoining non-ARCs to form agrarian reform areas (ARAs) as another 1000 ARCs shall be launched over the next five (5) years for development as the next batch of growth centers in the countryside.
However, unlike the ARC Development Programme that depended solely on local and foreign public funds for the State-driven delivery of public goods and services, the Magkasaka Programme shall be distinguished by investments from the private sector. Essentially a prelude to the millennium shift by the Department of Agrarian Reform from late 20th century land reform to early 21st century rural development, the purpose of the Programme is to:
A. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES. To accomplish its purpose, the strategic objectives of the Programme are to:
1. Transform the agrarian reform beneficiaries and small landowner-cultivator into socially responsive or civic farmer-entrepreneurs by providing adequate capability-building support services and facilities; and
2. Optimize the operating size of distributed lands to increase and/or sustain the competitiveness and profitability of Philippine agribusiness through equitable voluntary land sharing arrangements that ensure the security of tenure and security of income of the participating Filipino farmers and rural workers.
1. By the end of the year 2000, there shall be at least one (1) approved and on-going mega-scale Magkasaka Joint Economic Enterprise project (i.e., ± Php 500 million initial total investment cost) per region, to be located in a SAFDZ, as shall be co-financed pursuant to Executive Order No. 83, series of 1998 (NDC Agri-Agra ERAP Bonds), and at least one (1) such project a year thereafter for the next four (4) years;
2. By the end of the year 2000, there shall be at least one (1) approved and on-going large-scale Joint Economic Enterprise project (i.e., ³ Php 60 million initial total investment cost) project per province, to be located in a prime ARCs shall be co-financed pursuant to Executive Order No. 83, series of 1998, and at least two (2) projects a year for the next four (4) years thereafter; and
3. By the end of the year 2000, there shall be at least one (1) approved and on-going medium-scale Joint Economic Enterprise project. (i.e., Php 15-60 million initial total investment cost) project per cluster of in-between and agropolitan ARCs per year. Thereafter, there shall be at least two (2) such projects a year by the end of year 2001, and at least three (3) a year for the next three (3) years. The medium-scale projects shall be provided financial assistance as provided for under Republic Act No. 6657 and such other laws and executive issuances related or suppletory thereto.
C. OPERATIONAL PLANNING PARAMETERS. Operational planning for the implementation of the Magkasaka Programme shall be built upon its three enabling policy pillars and as per the matrix of key results areas, relevant DAR units, and methods or standards as shown herein under:
1. CONVERGENCE FRAMEWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE RURAL DEVELOPMENT (Joint DA-DAR-DENR Memorandum Circular No. 01, series of 1999) — that is now a source document of Chapter III of the Medium-Term Philippine Development Plan (Angat Pinoy 2004);
2. RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING JOINT ECONOMIC ENTERPRISES IN AGRARIAN REFORM AREAS (DAR Administrative Order No. 02, series of 1999) — that provides specific public policy statements that agrarian reform beneficiaries and small landowners can use as official standard reference reviewing or negotiating contracts with agribusiness investors; and
3. STRENGTHENING THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE AGRI-AGRA LAW (PD 717) AND LAUNCHING THE NDC AGRI-AGRA ERAP BONDS FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT (Executive Order No. 83, dated 25 December 1998) — directs the National Development Corporation (NDC), consistent with its charter, to act as the non-bank corporate arm of the DAR in the mobilization and utilization of the Fund for the financing of private large-scale agribusiness enterprises.
Information & Education PAS Network 1 Multi-media coverage
Campaign on the SSG Network Community dialogues
Magkasaka Programme MIS Network Magkasaka web-page
Investor and ARB SSG Network Clustering and Modeling
Profiting and Matching per Social Capital Survey
Market and Economic DAR Investment Monthly publications and
Research and Promotion Unit (IPU) Quarterly public briefings
BARBD Network Social Capital Information
Institutional Development BARIE Network and Dual-Tech Training
and Capability Building Civil Society Partners 2 (Upgrading or Retooling)
Site Identification & Land FOG Network SAFDZ/SRD Frameworks
Tenure Improvement DAR Administrative Orders
Project Evaluation (NDC)
Business Plan Pre-Appraisal DAR IPU Project Appraisal (Austin)
& Financial Packaging PDMS Network Project Finance (BOT Ctr)
Legal Assistance to ARBs in PPLAO Network Para-Legal Training on
Contract Negotiations Corporate and Comml Laws
Compliance Monitoring & PDMS/BALA Networks Performance Audit
Contract Enforcement DARAB Network Litigation & Adjudication
In the interpretation of certain provisions of DAR Administrative Order No. 02, series of 1999, reference shall be made to provisions of existing DAR issuances and circulars not inconsistent therewith as presented below.
E. PRIORITIZATION CRITERIA AND WEIGHT. Project selection and prioritization shall be based on the criteria with raw score in the source evaluation instrument
calibrated pro rata to a scale of 0 to 10 with the resultant pro-rated criteria scores multiplied by the corresponding weights as indicated below.
SRD Convergence Province 10% For policy consistency
Strategic Agriculture & 15% For policy consistency
Fisheries Development Zone
Approved or On-going 20% Availability of rural infra
Foreign-Assisted Project and technical support
ALDA/OMA Rating 25% Subject to Social Capital
Survey Results
Agribusiness Enterprise Plan Subject to Background
from Private Investor and/or 30% Check on Proponent(s),
ARB Associations/Coops Plan Pre-Appraisal and
Stakeholder Consensus
RULE 1. (STEP 1): INQUIRIES AND INITIAL DOCUMENTATION. Inquiries from prospective participants in the Magkasaka Programme shall be in writing and signed by the farmer-beneficiaries and/or private sector investors. In the case of cooperatives or corporations, inquiries shall be signed by the duly authorized representative(s) thereof.
SECTION 1. In the event of verbal inquiry, the Agribusiness Development Officer (ADO) shall be responsible for reducing to writing the relevant and substantial points of such inquiry per Key CARP Functional Area, and the contents of such document shall be confirmed by the inquiring party by way of signing the same.
SECTION 2. Within seven (7) working days from receipt of the inquiry, the ADO shall issue in Aide Memoir (Form 100), following the Complete Staff Work (CSW) format, whereby specific information per Key CARP Functional Area shall formally be provided the inquiring party. Such Aide Memoir shall enclose forms such as Letter of Intent of Prospective Magkasaka Project Cooperators (Form 101) and Magkasaka Co-Proponent Application Form (Form 102) to be reproduced, completed and returned by the prospective co-proponent (e.g., farmers and/or fishers in case of cooperatives or people's organizations, or investors and officers of corporations or consortium thereof) within thirty (30) days from receipt thereof. EDcICT
SECTION 3. Within three (3) working days from receipt of the duly completed Forms 101 and 102 from the prospective co-proponent(s), the Provincial Agrarian Reform Support Services Officer (PARSSO or PARO I) concerned shall formally request the Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) and the Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP) for certified information on the current credit standing of the prospective individual cooperators and cooperative co-proponent. The LBP and/or DBP, pursuant to Republic Act No. 6713, shall provide the requested information within fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of the formal request.
SECTION 4. In the event that the individual cooperators and/or the imperative co-proponent have past due obligations with the LBP and/or DBP, the PARO shall inform the former of such in writing within three (3) working days from receipt of the credit standing report from the LBP and/or DBP. Such written communication shall include a pro-forma Letter of Undertaking to Settle Past Due Obligations (Form 103) that the prospective cooperators and/or co-proponent shall fill up and submit if they wish to participate in the Magkasaka Programme.
SECTION 5. In the case of co-proponents from the corporate sector, whether a private or public corporation, a background check based on, but not limited to, entries made in Form 102 shall be conducted prior to accreditation and matching with cooperative, co-proponent (s). Within three (3) working days from receipt of the requested credit information and background investigation report, the private or public corporation seeking accreditation as Magkasaka project co-proponent shall be formally informed of the findings and decision by the PARO II concerned.
SECTION 6. The accreditation of the co-proponent shall be valid only for six (6) months from the date of issuance unless otherwise renewed, or revoked for cause, by the Regional Director. Disapproval of the application for accreditation by the PARO II concerned, or the renewal or revocation thereof by the Regional Director, may be appealed, through the Undersecretary for Field Operations and Support Services, to the DAR Secretary whose decision shall be final and executory.
SECTION 7. Within thirty (30) working days from receipt of the Notice of Accreditation (Form 104) to be issued by the PARO II, the accredited Magkasaka co-proponents shall submit their respective Project Concept Summary Report (Form 105). However, the Form 105 submitted by the co-proponent shall not be processed unless accompanied by a resolution by the Board of Directors of the corporation, cooperative or people's organization.
SECTION 8. Within seven (7) working days from receipt of the Form 105, the Chief Agrarian Reform Program Officer for Beneficiaries Development and Coordination Division (CARPO-BDCD) shall cause the preparation of a Complete Staff Work (CSW) report using the Magkasaka Project Proposal Validation and Enhancement Tools (Form 106) for submission, through the PARO II, to the Magkasaka Programme Director. For fast and inexpensive transmission, the CSW report shall also be transmitted together with the completed Form 106 by fax or e-mail, copy furnished the Regional Director and the co-proponent concerned. Within seven (7) working days from the receipt thereof, the Magkasaka Programme Director shall have the completed Forms 105 and 106 made accessible to the public by the DAR Investment Promotion Unit (DAR-IPU) through the Magkasaka Webpage (http.//www.dar.gov.ph/magkasaka/).
RULE 2. (STEP 2): PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND CONTRACT NEGOTIATION. The cooperative co-proponents shall have the choice as to which corporate co-proponent to partner with. The essential role of the DAR is to provide the forum for prospective Magkasaka project partners while ensuring that the terms of reference leading to joint economic enterprise project agreements are socially just and consistent with public policy such as DAR Administrative Order No. 02, series of 1999.
SECTION 1. The PARSSO shall immediately arrange for the conduct of a baseline survey to obtain the Socio-Economic Profile of Magkasaka Programme Cooperators (Form 200) upon notice from the DAR-IPU that the Forms 105 and 106, as appraised by the National Magkasaka Project Evaluation Committee, shall be made publicly accessible through the Internet (i.e., Magkasaka Webpage). The survey returns shall be encoded by the field office prior to transmittal, via courier or e-mail, to the DAR Investment Promotion Unit for data analysis. The information gathered shall be used in setting the terms of reference of the Institutional Capacity Development component of the proposed Magkasaka Project and which shall form part of the Memorandum of Understanding (Form 202).
SECTION 2. Within thirty (30) working days from the date the Forms 105 and 106 are made publicly accessible, the accredited corporate, cooperative and/or people's organization co-proponents shall separately or jointly submit their respective Detailed Project Proposal Summary Report/s (Form 201) per the information gathered from Forms 105 and 106 as well as Form 200, if available by then. The completed Form 201 shall be accompanied by a draft Memorandum of Understanding (Form 202) that shall be reviewed by the Magkasaka Programme Director for policy consistency prior to authorizing the start of negotiations by the corporate and people's organization co-proponent(s), or the consortium thereof, with the cooperative co-proponent(s).
The findings and recommendations of the aforesaid review shall be issued to the ADOs concerned by the Magkasaka Programme Director within fifteen (15) working days from the receipt of Forms 201 and 202, copy furnished all the private and/or public corporate co-proponents concerned.
SECTION 3. Within three (3) working days from date of receipt of the Review Findings and Recommendations (Form 203), the ADOs concerned shall issue a Notice of Conference (Form 204) to all the co-proponents subject of the review. Provided, that such briefing and negotiation conference shall be held no less than fifteen (15) but no more than thirty (30) days from the date of issuance thereof, and at the place and time most convenient to the cooperative co-proponents.
A conference fee to cover venue, audio-visual facilities and food expenses be charged to the corporate co-proponent(s) with the DAR shouldering up to seventy-five (75) percent of the fee due from the cooperative co-proponent(s). This assistance and extent thereof, however, shall be subject to the approval of the conference design by the DAR field office(s) concerned and availability of the Agrarian Reform Beneficiary Development (ARBD) fund thereof without prejudice to supplementation from the Central Office subject to the approval of the Secretary.
SECTION 4. Two (2) DAR field personnel trained as facilitator-rapporteurs shall be assigned to each cooperative co-proponent during the conference. A pool of Land Tenure Improvement (LTI), Program Beneficiary Development (PBD) and Agrarian Justice (AJ) resource persons shall be at hand to answer specific questions raised during the negotiation and finalization of the Memorandum of Understanding (Form 202) between the representatives of the prospective Magkasaka Joint Economic Enterprise Project co-proponents.
In case the cooperative co-proponent to whom they are assigned decide to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding, the two (2) DAR facilitator-rapporteurs shall serve as the witnesses thereto during the signing ceremony to be held at the end of the conference. Thereafter, these two (2) witnesses shall be designated as DAR contact persons and process documentors in the detailed design and financial packaging of the Magkasaka project proposal subject of the said Memorandum of Understanding.
SECTION 5. For mega-scale, medium- to large-scale, or micro- to small-scale projects, in relation to Sections 1 and 2 of Rule 3 and towards the delivery support services stated in Sections 14 and 15 of DAR Administrative Order No. 02, series of 1999, the concerned Regional Director, PARO or Municipal Agrarian Reform Officer (MARO), respectively, may enter as a party in the said Memorandum of Understanding (Form 202) for and in behalf of the DAR.
Provided, that, if so indicated in the applicable Business Plan of the Magkasaka Joint Economic Enterprise Project (Form 205), the signatory of the DAR in the Memorandum of Agreement (Form 206) shall be the Secretary or, in behalf thereof, the duly designated Magkasaka Programme Director. In any case, the Regional Director, PARO or MARO, depending on the scale of the project, shall sign as witness attesting that all of the provisions of such Form 206 are substantially consistent with the provisions of the precursor and transitional Memorandum of Understanding (Form 202).
RULE 3. (STEP 3): PROJECT APPRAISAL AND CONTRACT APPROVAL. Approval or confirmation of the Memorandum of Agreement (Form 206) shall be based on the Magkasaka Project Appraisal Report (Form 300) as shall be prepared with due diligence by the National Magkasaka Project Evaluation Committee (NMPEC), or the designated Regional Office counterpart committee thereof as designated by the Regional Director concerned, as stipulated in Section 12 of DAR Administrative No. 02, series of 1999. The accomplished Form 300 shall be issued within fifteen (15) working days from formal receipt of the notarized copy of Forms 205 and 206 from the Magkasaka project co-proponents.
Provided, however, that the approval takes full force and effect on the date of annotation of the Agreement on the titles of the real properties subject of the same as shall be evidenced by the Certificate of Approval and Annotation (Form 302) duly countersigned by the Registrar of Deeds (ROD).
SECTION 1. The original copy of the Business Plan (Form 205) and the Memorandum of Agreement (Form 206) of the Magkasaka Joint Economic Enterprise Project shall be transmitted with endorsement by the DAR official witnessing the same to the DAR Support Services Office, or to its regional office counterpart as applicable, within three (3) days from the notarization thereof.
The fifteen (15) working day period for the preparation of the appraisal report (Form 300) shall commence on the time and date of receipt thereof as stamped by the receiving personnel of the DAR Support Services Office on the endorsement letter. A photocopy of Form 300 shall be faxed to the co-proponents concerned together with Acknowledgment Receipt and Advice (Form 301) signed by the Magkasaka Programme Director.
SECTION 2. On or before the 15th working day, the DAR Support Services Office shall transmit the accomplished Forms 300 and 301 to the Presidential Agrarian Reform Council (PARC) and Provincial Agrarian Reform Coordinating Committee (PARCCOM), copy furnished the DAR officials and co-proponents concerned.
In case the Magkasaka Project is not subject to approval by the PARC, the issuance of the accomplished Form 301 shall serve to authorize the issuance of the Certificate of Approval and Annotation (Form 302) subject to prior correction of specific provisions of the Memorandum of Agreement and/or Business Plan. The Regional Director or PARO concerned, depending on the scale of the project, shall issue the Form 302 as duly countersigned by the Registrar of Deeds (ROD). IETCAS
SECTION 3. If the co-proponents, for any reason, fail to incorporate the corrections to the subject Memorandum of Agreement and/or Business Plan within sixty (60) days from receipt of Form 301 as sent through registered mail with return card, the authority to issue Form 302 shall be deemed automatically revoked. The above automatic revocation, however, shall not be with prejudice to the filing by the co-proponents concerned, within fifteen (15) days from the effectivity thereof, of a joint appeal or motion for reconsideration with the DAR Secretary. The decision of the Secretary on the motion or appeal, as shall be issued within fifteen (15) working days from the receipt thereof, shall be final and executory.
SECTION 4. Co-proponents of approved or confirmed Memoranda of Agreement and/or Business Plans shall be eligible for such financial and support services as provided for by existing laws, rules and regulations. The terms and conditions for the access and continued enjoyment of applicable fiscal incentives and support services to which the co-proponents are eligible shall be annotated at the back of the Certificate of Registration as Magkasaka Joint Economic Enterprise (Form 303) that shall be issued by the Secretary within seven (7) working days from receipt of copy of Form 302.
Non-compliance or willful violation of such terms and conditions tantamount to misuse or diversion of such financial and support services shall result in the suspension or revocation of the same, and such other sanctions as may be provided by the PARC without prejudice to criminal prosecution.
RULE 4. (STEP 4): COMPLIANCE MONITORING AND IMPACT EVALUATION. The DAR morally and legally responsible for ensuring the effectiveness and positive impact of Magkasaka Programme. Towards such end, DAR field personnel shall ensure that the provisions on compliance monitoring and on the resolution of disputes shall be contained in the Memorandum of Agreement pursuant to Sections 10 and 15 of DAR Administrative Order No. 02, series of 1999. These stipulations, however, should not be excessively stringent and legalistic as to impede the viability and sustainability of the Magkasaka project if the co-proponents do get to sign the Memorandum of Agreement in the first place.
SECTION 1. The two (2) DAR field personnel duly assigned to serve as the facilitator-rapporteurs of a specific Magkasaka Project shall exert all efforts to establish and maintain their credibility to all the co-proponents concerned and, more importantly, to the farmer-cooperators thereof. As designated Magkasaka Project Officers (MPOs), they shall periodically and regularly monitor and document project implementation with the end in view of helping resolve implementation problems as may be encountered by the co-proponents.
SECTION 2. A team comprised of DAR central office personnel from the Internal Audit Staff (IAS), Bureau of Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Development (BARBD), BALA, and PDMS shall periodically conduct compliance monitoring and audit. In addition, the team shall include a representative each from the peasant and business sectors as shall be recommended by the Peasant Council of the National Anti-Poverty Commission (NAPC) and the MAP Agribusiness and Countryside Development Foundation, respectively.
SECTION 3. The two (2) DAR field personnel designated as Magkasaka Project Officers (MPOs) for a specific project may be called upon by the PARSSO to sit down with the Compliance Monitoring Team (CMT) during the exit interview thereof for the purpose of providing insights on the findings obtained from the compliance monitoring field visit. They shall not, however, participate in the preparation of the compliance monitoring report that shall contain the CMT's recommendations based on its appraisal of the said findings.
The compliance monitoring report shall be submitted by the said team to the Magkasaka Programme Director, through the National Magkasaka Project Evaluation Committee (NMPEC), copy furnished the Bureau of Agrarian Reform Information and Education (BARIE) and the co-proponents, within fifteen (15) working days from the date of the exit interview.
SECTION 4. Based on the compliance monitoring report, the Magkasaka Programme Director, upon the recommendation of the NMPEC, may ask and authorize BARIE to serve as lead unit in facilitating agreement with and/or by and between the Magkasaka Project co-proponents and/or farmer-cooperators concerned on the recommended remedial measures including the resolution of disputes through mediation or conciliation, if any. Moreover, based on the CMT report, BARIE shall review, develop and implement human resource retraining or retooling interventions for DAR personnel and partner civil society service providers for the efficient and ethical implementation of the Magkasaka Programme.
RULE 5. RULES OF ENGAGEMENT. DAR personnel authorized to transact with farmer-beneficiaries and private investors involved in the, implementation of the Magkasaka Programme shall be guided by the RULES IMPLEMENTING THE CODE OF CONDUCT AND ETHICAL STANDARDS FOR PUBLIC OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES as issued on April 21, 1989 by the Civil Service Commission pursuant to Republic Act No. 6713.
SECTION 1. The designation or assignment of any DAR employee to perform functions related to the implementation of the Magkasaka Programme shall be with the requirement that the employee shall formally affirm, prior to assumption of assignment, that he or she commits to fully abide by the provisions of Republic Act No. 6713.
SECTION 2. The PARSSO (or PARO I) shall serve as the executive officer of the PARO II for implementation of the Magkasaka Programme in the province and, as such, is authorized to administer province-specific procedural measures designed to ensure that Civil Service rules particularly on (a) transparency of transactions and access to information, (b) duties of public officials and employees, and (c)onflict of interest and divestment are upheld.
SECTION 3. In relation to the preceding section, the PARO, PARSSO and Legal Officer V shall be jointly responsible for the formulation of province-specific procedural guidelines for the timely, effective and ethical implementation of the Magkasaka Programme in their respective areas of responsibility.
RULE 6. SUPPLEMENTAL RULES AND PROCEDURES FOR OPERATIONAL GRAY AREAS IN FIELD IMPLEMENTATION. Cognizant of the need to adjust policies, rules and procedures to the reality of field operations, the PAROs, in consultation with the IMAOs, shall jointly formulate and recommend to their respective Regional Directors the adoption of a common set of area-specific rules of procedures.
SECTION 1. Regional rules of procedure, while taking into account the cultural and religious values of the constituents thereof, should be consistent with the operational planning parameters of the Magkasaka Programme and the preceding general rules and procedures thereof.
SECTION 2. Regional rules of procedure, or amendments thereto, shall take effect upon confirmation by the Secretary of the Regional Memorandum Circular embodying the said supplemental rules within seven (7) working days from the receipt by the Magkasaka Programme Director thereof. Positive approval (or confirmation) by the Secretary of the said area-specific rules shall be issued based on the endorsement of the Magkasaka Programme Director and the favorable recommendation of the Undersecretary for Field Operations and Support Services.
SECTION 3. For better understanding, the field offices may opt to have DAR Administrative Order No. 02, series of 1999 and this General Memorandum Circular translated in the local language(s) or dialect(s) for publication together with supplemental rules and regulations issued per the immediately preceding sections. In case of conflicting contextual interpretation of the provisions of the translation and the original English text, however, that of the latter shall prevail.
1. The financial requirements of the activities undertaken by the field offices pursuant to this General Memorandum Circular shall be charged against the Agrarian Reform Fund (ARF or Fund 158) of the DAR Provincial Offices (DARPOs) under whose jurisdiction the micro- to large-scale Magkasaka Project(s) shall be established. For mega-scale projects, operating expenses shall be charged to the account of the DAR Regional Offices (DARROs) concerned.
2. In the case of large-scale projects, however, the DARROs are encouraged to augment the personnel and help defray from their ARF allotment the operating expenses of the DARPOs under their supervision. Supplemental funding support from the DAR Central Office may be provided as the justifiable need arise as well as based on the performance assessment of the operational plan and budget submitted before hand by the DAR field offices concerned.
1. The designation or appointment of the Magkasaka Programme Director by the Secretary shall be upon the recommendation of the Assistant Secretary for Support Services and concurrence to by the Undersecretary for Field Operations and Support Services. In the absence of a designee or appointee, the Assistant Secretary shall concurrently serve as Magkasaka Programme Director.
2. Assignment or designation of DAR field personnel by the Regional Director or PARO II shall be based on the functional counterpart thereof in the Central Office as well as the operational plan and the area-specific rules of procedure and supplemental guidelines formulated by the field offices concerned. ACTESI
3. Herein under is an indicative chart of the DAR Central Office units, officials, or personnel responsible for the effective implementation of the Magkasaka Programme. The planned activities and targets pertinent thereto shall be incorporated in their respective commitments under the Performance Management System (or PMS for officials), or the System for Performance Evaluation and Employee Development (or SPEED for rank-and-file employees).
A. TRANSITORY PROVISION. The provisions of this General Memorandum Circular shall not apply to the processing of agribusiness arrangements filed pursuant to DAR Administrative Order No. 09, series of 1998, by the proponent(s) thereof, with all the required documents before October 16, 1999, Thereafter, applications for the registration of joint economic enterprises shall be processed according to the provisions of DAR Administrative Order No. 02, series of 1999, and this General Memorandum Circular.
B. REPEALING CLAUSE. All circulars, or part(s) thereof, inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed or modified accordingly. Further, all Special Orders based on the circulars, or part(s) thereof, so repealed or modified are hereby superseded.
C. EFFECTIVITY. This General Memorandum Circular shall take full force and effect immediately upon the publication thereof in one (1) broadsheet and one (1) tabloid newspaper, both of national circulation.
Signed this 31st day of January, 2000 at Diliman, Quezon City.
Published in one (1) broadsheet and one (1) tabloid newspaper, both of national circulation:
1. TODAY (broadsheet)
2. PEOPLE'S JOURNAL (tabloid)
Date of Publication — February 9, 2000
1. The term "network" herein used refers to both the internal (central, regional, provincial, municipal office) and external links/partners of the DAR unit concerned.
2. Civil society is comprised of people's organizations and non-government organizations.
3. Department of Agrarian Reform, 1998. Compilation of Administrative Issuances and Pertinent Memorandum Circulars (Books 1-4). Quezon City, Philippines: Public Affairs Staff.
4. Department of Agrarian Reform. 1998. Compilation of Administrative Issuances and Pertinent Memorandum Circulars (Books 1-4). Quezon City, Philippines: Public Affairs Staff.
5. ARB Information and Education Framework
6. Convergence Strategy for Sustainable Rural Development
7. Expanded ARC Framework
8. Agribusiness Development Framework
9. Institutional Development Framework
Table of Contents
Executive Summary....................................................................... 1
Company Background.................................................................. 3
Business History............................................................................ 3
Growth and Financial Objectives ................................................ 3
Legal Structure and Ownership............................................. ...... 5
Company Location and Facilities................................................ 5
Plans for Financing the Business................................................. 5
Organization .................................................................................. 6
Team Members............................................................:................. 5
Organizational Structure................................................................ 5
Other Key Employees.................................................................... 6
Principal Stockholders................................................................... 6
Market Analysis ............................................................................. 6
Summary......................................................................................... 6
Industry Analysis............................................................................. 6
Target Market................................................................................. 6
Customer Profile..................................................:......................... 6
Major competitors and participants.............................................. 6
Market Segmentation..................................................................... 7
Projected Market Growth and Market Share Objectives............ 7
Product / Service Offering.............................................................. 7
Product / Service Summary........................................................... 7
Product / Service Uniqueness....................................................... 7
Product / Service Descriptions .................................................... 7
Competitive Comparisons............................................................ 8
Research and Development......................................................... 8
Patents and Trademarks............................................................... 8
Manufacturing / Production Plan (optional).................................. 8
Current Plant Production and Capacity........................................ 8
Production Issues............................................................................ 8
Quality Control................................................................................. 9
Labor Force..................................................................................... 9
Environmental Impact and Hazard Control Measures................. 9
Marketing Plan................................................................................. 9
Creating and Maintaining Customers .......................................... 9
Product Pricing Strategy................................................................ 9
Product Positioning and Promotion Strategy.............................. 9
Sales and Distribution Plan ......................................................... 10
Financial Plan and Analysis.......................................................... 11
4/F DAR Central Office Building
Elliptical Road, Diliman, Quezon City
(632) 927-9135 (632) 924-7565
(632) 928-7031 locals 408-409
FOR : (name of contact person)
(name of organization)
(address of organization)
FROM : (name of ADO)
DAR Provincial Office
(address of DARPO)
DATE : (date of communication)
For the accomplishment of the enclosed Magkasaka Form 101 by the prospective farmer-cooperators, and submission by the project proponent together with the completed Magkasaka Form 102. To fast-track project evaluation, the proponent is enjoined to also fill up and submit Magkasaka Form 105 (likewise enclosed) at the earliest possible time.
1. A formal inquiry was received from you on (date of inquiry) at (place of inquiry) regarding the Magkasaka Programme.
2. Certain questions were raised in your inquiry and the response to each, per Key CARP Functional Area is contained in Annex 1 of this Aide Memoire.
3. For the project proposal to go forward, it is necessary that prospective farmer-cooperators formally signify their desire to participate in the joint economic enterprise being proposed by you.
1. Enclosed Magkasaka Forms are provided with the completion and submission of which shall formally start the accreditation and project approval process. You may opt to submit Forms 101 and 102 initially with Form 105 to follow. It is recommended, however, that Magkasaka Form 105 be completed and presented to the farmers prior to their filling up of their Letter of Intent (Form 101).
2. You may organize a meeting with the farmers for the purpose of presenting your project concept and in getting them to formally signify their intention to participate in the joint economic enterprise being proposed. It is recommended that you get in touch with the Municipal Agrarian Reform Officer (MARO) and Development Facilitators (DFs) concerned to help you organize such meeting(s).
(name and signature of ADO)
FORM 101
BARANGAY OF _____________
PROVINCE OF _______________
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Support Services
Department of Agrarian Reform
Elliptical Road, Diliman, Quezon City
Through : PARO (name of PARO)
DARPO, (name of province)
We, the undersigned, are interested in participating in the Magkasaka Programme through the (name of joint economic enterprise project) being proposed by (name of proponent) of (address of proponent).
We are holders of legal title and/or lease agreement to the following contiguous parcels of agricultural land, herein under described, which we shall provide for the productive and common use in undertaking the proposed project under terms and conditions consistent with DAR Administrative Order No. 02, series of 1999:
1. ________________ ____________ _____________________
2. ________________ ____________ _____________________
3. ________________ ____________ _____________________
4. ________________ ____________ _____________________
5. ________________ ____________ _____________________
6. ________________ ____________ _____________________
7. ________________ ____________ _____________________
8. ________________ ____________ _____________________
9. ________________ ____________ _____________________
10. ________________ ____________ _____________________
11. ________________ ____________ _____________________
12. ________________ ____________ _____________________
We hereby designate and appoint (name of representative), one among us, to serve as the contact person and representative in the business planning activities and negotiations with the proponent. It is understood, however, that he is not authorized to sign any contract or memorandum of agreement for and in our behalf.
This letter shall serve as expressed authorization for duly authorized officials or employees of the Department of Agrarian Reform to conduct the proper background and credit investigation on us, individually or collectively, as we expect it to do the same to the project proponent(s). The information obtained, however, shall be treated as private and personal, avid which shall not be for public disclosure.
In the event that we are fully convinced of the viability avid equitability of the proposed Magkasaka project, we shall individually or collectively issue the proper authorization(s) and/or document(s), or authenticated copies thereof, as may be required for the approval of the project.
This letter of intent shall be valid for a period of not more than ninety (90) days and which we may, in writing, extend or renew at our option. CAIaHS
Very truly yours,
Name and Signature of Farmer Name and Signature of Farmer
Name and Signature of Farmer Name and Signature of Farmer
Name and Signature of Farmer Name and Signature of Farmer
Name and Signature of Farmer Name and Signature of Farmer
Name and Signature of Farmer Name and Signature of Farmer
Name and Signature of Farmer Name and Signature of Farmer
FORM 102
Key Officers/ Position Address Nationality Experience
____________ _________ _________ _________ _________
____________ _________ _________ _________ _________
____________ _________ _________ _________ _________
____________ _________ _________ _________ _________
____________ _________ _________ _________ _________
Please attach the following:
Ä Company Profile indicating its vision, mission, goal(s) and objectives
Ä Articles of Incorporation/Cooperation and Certificate of Filing with SEC/CDA
Ä Certificate of Registration, By-Laws and Certificate of Filing with SEC/CDA
Ä Board Resolution authorizing the request for accreditation under the Magkasaka Program and designating the authorized representatives/signatories and their respective specimen signature and initials
Ä Curriculum Vitae of Owners/Partners/Stockholders/Key Officers and Directors
Ä Disclosure of Proponent's Other Related Business, if any, and extend of ownership
Ä Audited Financial Statements (last 3-5 years)
Ä Income Tax Returns (last 3-5 years)
I/We hereby certify, confirm, guarantee, and warrant the correctness and truth of all the information furnished in this application and in all of the attachments required.
I/We agree that the Department of Agrarian Reform may inquire into its correctness by the methods it may deem proper to use and that any misrepresentation of information state herein and in all the attachments required may be ground for disqualification without prejudice to legal sanctions or remedies prescribed by law.
(Signature over Printed Name)
_____________________________) S.S
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this _____ day of ________, _____ at _____________. Affiant exhibited to me his Community Tax Receipt No. ____________ issued at ________________________ on ______________.
Doc. No. __________;
Page No. __________;
Book No. __________;
Series of ___________.
FORM 103
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Support Services
Department of Agrarian Reform
Elliptical Road, Diliman, Quezon City
Through : PARO (name of PARO)
DARPO, (name of province)
We, the undersigned, having stated our intent to participate in the Magkasaka joint economic enterprise project proposed by (name of proponent) in our Letter of Intent dated (date of letter) hereby reaffirm our desire to do.
A letter from PARO (name of PARO), dated (date of letter), however, informed us of that we may not be able to participate due to the credit investigation report obtained from the Land Bank of the Philippines (and/or Development Bank of the Philippines). Nonetheless, we were also informed that we can still join the proposed project if we signify that we shall undertake to settle such obligation.
In view of the above, we hereby undertake to settle our past due obligations through a sinking fund mechanism to be incorporated into the memorandum of agreement as well as the business plan of the proposed Magkasaka joint economic enterprise project. We understand that payments advanced from the sinking fund to settle our obligations shall be deducted from wages, dividends and such other compensation due us from the said Magkasaka project once this is operational.
As with our Letter of Intent, we hereby designate and appoint (name of representative), one among us, to serve as the contact person and representative in the business planning activities and negotiations with the proponent with particular attention to this Letter of Undertaking. It is understood, however, that (s)he is not authorized to sign any contract or memorandum of agreement for and in our behalf.
This letter shall serve as expressed authorization from the undersigned for duly authorized officials or employees of the Magkasaka project to deduct such amounts for installment payments on our past due accounts. The deductions, nevertheless, shall be subject to general accounting and auditing practices.
Very truly yours,
Name and Signature of Farmer Name and Signature of Farmer
Name and Signature of Farmer Name and Signature of Farmer
Name and Signature of Farmer Name and Signature of Farmer
Name and Signature of Farmer Name and Signature of Farmer
Name and Signature of Farmer Name and Signature of Farmer
Name and Signature of Farmer Name and Signature of Farmer
Cc: Land Bank of the Philippines
Development Bank of the Philippines
(name of Magkasaka project proponent
FORM 104
(name of contact person)
(company name of proponent)
(business address)
We are pleased to inform you that based on your submissions to this office, your application for accreditation as proponent organization has been considered favorably.
Per Section 6 of General Memorandum Circular No. ____, series of 1999, you are to submit your Project Concept Summary Report (see enclosed Form 105) together with the project pre-feasibility study to this office within thirty (30) working days from receipt of this notice. You shall be furnished a copy of the first-pass project validation report (Form 106) within seven (7) working days from our receipt of your submission.
At this point, we wish to inform you that, for the purpose of transparency, the contents of your Project Concept Summary Report shall be made publicly accessible through the DAR Website (http://www.dar.gov.ph/) together with the project validation report by the DAR Investment Promotions Unit. Within thirty (30) working days from the time the project documents are made accessible by the public through the internet, your are to submit your Detailed Project Proposal Summary Report and draft Memorandum of Understanding to the Magkasaka Programme Director.
If you need further information, clarifications, or assistance from us, please feel free to call or write our office for an appointment.
Very truly yours,
(name and signature of PARO II)
Cc: Project Co-Proponent/Farmers' Representative
Magkasaka Programme Director
MAGKASAKA Project Proposal Validation and Enhancement Tools 1
Clear, succinct descriptions of target audiences (i.e., stakeholders), anticipated impact, and proposed valuation methods are critical elements that distinguish successful proposals. Yet, these elements are often given only cursory attention. TASCDI
You may find these elements difficult to articulate because they fall outside your areas of expertise. You may not know how to describe them except in general and imprecise terms — but GENERALITIES AND IMPRECISION DO NOT MAKE FOR STRONG PROPOSALS OR SUCCESSFUL EFFORTS.
The exercises and questions in the seven worksheets that make up the Project Proposal Validation and Enhancement Tools are adapted from the Purdue Proposal Enhancement Tools designed by Purdue University to help you (DAR field personnel, proponents and/or beneficiaries) to effectively identify and describe the target audiences for your project proposal or counter-proposal under the Magkasaka Programme, the anticipated impact of joint economic enterprise efforts, and the measures by which you shall evaluate the success and sustainability of the joint economic enterprise project.
The worksheets presented will help you verify the direction you feel is necessary and clearly delineate information needed to support your proposal. They'll help identify potential gaps in your basic analysis and how to fill them. They'll move you from the general to the specific, prompting you to organize and analyze disparate pieces of information you may have accumulated over time from a variety of sources and experiences.
You may invest anywhere from 20 minutes to two days working through the Project Proposal Validation and Enhancement Tools, depending on your current understanding of the audiences (i.e., project stakeholders) and the issues that affect them — and on the time you can devote. However, the greater your investment, the greater your potential for success.
The Project Proposal Validation and Enhancement Tools can provide you with a succinct but detailed file of information about your target audiences that gives you the edge you need to get your proposal accepted and funded.
Contact your MAGKASAKA PROGRAMME contact person (listed below) or any other DAR Support Services Group staff member with whom you may be working if you want help with the Project Proposal Validation and Enhancement Tools. They can't do it for you, but they're available to help you think it through.
Ä Initial Issue Description & Anticipated Outcome Worksheet
Ä Audience Definition Worksheet
Ä Audience & Issue Verification Worksheet
Ä Audience & Issue Verification Aids
1. This is a Microsoft Word adaptation of the Purdue Proposal Enhancement Tools as obtained in Adobe PDF format from (http://www.agcom.purdue.edu/). This contribution of Purdue University to the Magkasaka Programme is herein acknowledged.
Audience Definition Worksheet
Directions: To start, use your background and knowledge to make an initial assessment of your potential target audience. Think about the characteristics of your primary audience — the people listed per each order of priority in the previous worksheet.
What is their average age range? _______ Where do they live? __________
What is their educational background? Primarily:
______ less than elementary school O chartered or component city
______ elementary school graduate O 1st class municipality
______ less than high school O 2nd class municipality
______ high school graduate O 3rd class municipality
______ some undergraduate O 4th class municipality
______ undergraduate/advance degree O 5th class municipality
Annual Disposable Household Income Gender Participation in Decision-Making
______ less than Php 30K O predominantly male
______ Php 30K — Php 45K O predominantly female
______ Php 45K — Php 60K O equal mix
______ Php 60K — Php 75K O unequal mix, more males
______ Php 75K — Php 85K O unequal mix, more females
______ Php 85K — Php 100K
______ more than Php 100K O Ethnic origin (optional) ________
Audience and Issue Verification Worksheet
Directions: To verify your initial audience assessment, contact: 1) a subset of your potential target audience and/or 2) people who know the issue and/or know your potential target audience.
Note: Use the "Audience & Issue Verification Aids" that follow this worksheet to develop questions for your contacts.
Directions: Listed below are example categories of people who might potentially help you define your audience and their needs more clearly. Use this list of categories to stimulate your thinking about whom you might contact.
Examples of Categories
Local/Regional/National Agencies Corporations/Companies
Local/Regional/National Decision Leaders People's Organizations/NGOs
General Public Traders/Merchants
Media Practitioners Financiers/Investors
Academe Colleagues
Professionals Donor/Funding Agencies
Directions: Use the "Working Contact List" section of this worksheet to record information you accumulate about the people you contact and what you learn from them.
For Example:
Aggregation Worksheet
Directions: Using the information you compiled in the previous worksheets as a starting point, follow the instructions below.
Note: This is where you can start aggregating your information and using it to answer new questions. This is where you can get a big enough picture to make some important decisions.
Directions: Remember, a strong anticipated impact statement is a SMART Anticipated Impact Statement: it is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Trackable. Use the formula below to help you develop your SMART Anticipated Impact Statement(s). Don't forget your secondary audience.
Audience + Action + Specific Area + Measurement + Completion = Anticipated Verb Area Impact Statement
Note: The Anticipated Impact Statement may not be expressed in the exact sequence described above. However, each element of the formula must be represented in each Anticipated Impact Statement you create.
The number of older women participants in the Financial Empowerment program (Audience) who feel they have the ability/power to affect (Action Verb) their own financial positions positively (Specific Area) will increase from under 50 percent to 75 — 90 percent (Measurement) over the course of the eight-week (Completion) program.
Evaluation: Measurement Levels & Methods Worksheet
Directions: Below are four Measurement Levels through which you can evaluate the effectiveness of your project. By the time you complete this worksheet, you will be able. to select (and check) those Measurement Levels that apply.
• Level 1: Reaction to the program — All programs.
• Level 2: Learning — Programs that require participants to retain information or apply a skill.
• Level 3: Application — Programs that require participants to change their behavior when they return to work, school, home, etc.
• Level 4: Return on Investment (ROI) — Programs that are a top priority to the School of Agriculture and can be linked to financial numbers. (ROI may be calculated over time, and social/environmental/fiscal outcomes may be considered.)
Directions: Check the best answer to each question. below, and follow the appropriate instructions.
1. Do "stakeholders" require evidence of results?
O Yes. Levels 3 and 4 of evaluation must be completed. Use the "Measurement Methods" table (see reverse side) to help you select the best measurement methods. Check Levels 3 and 4 above.
O No. Complete #2.
2. Perform the exercise below, and follow the appropriate instructions.
• Rate the scope of this initiative (number of people who might be influenced by this initiative and the range of backgrounds these people represent). 1 = very limited; 10 = very extensive and comprehensive.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
• Rate the profile of this initiative (the type of attention this initiative will generate and the status of the people who will openly support this initiative.). 1 = very low; 10 = very high.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Total the two ratings.
Scope rating _______
Profile rating _______
Total Rating _______
Is the Total Rating equal to or greater than 13?
o Yes. Consider applying Levels 3 and 4 of evaluation. Use the "Measurement Methods" table to help you select the best measurement methods. Check Levels 3 and/or 4 if you determine they are appropriate.
o No. Select Level 1 evaluation and determine if Levels 2, 3, and 4 would be appropriate. Use the "Measurement Methods" table to help you select the best measurement methods. Check the levels you determine are appropriate.
Directions: Select the appropriate Measurement Levels, and check the best methods for performing them.
Note: You may want to use two or more measurement methods in order to validate the outcomes of the evaluation.
INDEX NO. ______________________
1. Data from the responses to this questionnaire, together with that of the income potential survey form, are needed in coming up with a Cooperator Employment Options and Critical Training Needs Design.
2. Filled up profiles shall be encoded in a computerized human resource database file with access limited to authorized personnel with due notice and prior consent of the respondent concerned.
3. The respondent's file shall be updated from time to time. To facilitate access, respondents shall each be given an official MAGKASAKA Cooperator Identification Card bearing his file index number, picture and signature together with some other information.
1. Please answer the following questions factually and completely on the space provided. Should the space be not enough, use the back of this page indicating the number of the question you are answering.
2. Please fill the blank line, or put a check mark within the pair of brackets, as appropriate.
3. Please do not leave a question or data requirement line unanswered. A survey facilitator may be assigned to interview you in helping to complete the form.
Name of Respondent: _____________, ______________ ________________
Family Name Given Name Middle Name
Residential Address: ____ __________, __________ _______________
Hse # Street or Sitio Barangay Municipality/City
_________ ________________, __________________
Zip Code Province Region
Age: _____ Civil Status: ____________ Religion: ____________
Primary Occupation: _______________ Years in Occupation: ____________
Spouse's Occupation: ______________ Years in Occupation: ____________
Other Sources of Income: _____________ Annual Income: _______________
Household Size: _____ No. of Other Dependents: ____ Relationship: _____
# of Children below 15: ____ No. in School _____ No. Employed _____
# of Children above 15: ____ No. in School _____ No. Employed _____
# of Children above 18: ____ No. Married ______ No. Employed _____
[ ] No schooling [ ] Some / [ ] Completed Elementary
[ ] Some / [ ] Completed High School [ ] Non-Formal/Distance Education,
Please indicate: ______________________________________________
[ ] Vocational Skills Training Certificate [ ] 2-Year Technical Diploma Course
[ ] Some / [ ] Completed College Degree in _________________________
[ ] Some / [ ] Completed Masteral Degree in ________________________
[ ] Some / [ ] Completed Doctoral Degree in ________________________
Perennial Crop 1st Annual Crop 2nd Ann'l Crop 3rd Ann'l Crop
Type of Crop(s) Grown: ___________ ____________ ___________ ___________
Area Planted/Crop, ha: ___________ ____________ ___________ ___________
Bags of Urea Used/Crop: ___________ ____________ ___________ ___________
# of Months to Harvest: ___________ ____________ ___________ ___________
Yield per Harvest, kg: ___________ ____________ ___________ ___________
Sales per Crop/Harvest: ___________ ____________ ___________ ___________
Prod & Harvesting Cost: ___________ ____________ ___________ ___________
Selling & Transpo Cost: ___________ ____________ ___________ ___________
Production Loan Cost: ___________ ____________ ___________ ___________
Landowner Share/Rent 1 : ___________ ____________ ___________ ___________
Land Amortization/Tax 2 : ___________ ____________ ___________ ___________
Prod'n & Profit Share 3 : ___________ ____________ ___________ ___________
1. On leasehold or share-crop tenancy basis. Although share-cropping is prohibited under R.A. No. 3844, this is still being practiced particularly in landholdings between 5 and 24 hectares.
2. As amortizing landowner per PD 27 (EP) or RA 6657 (CLOA) or as retention/excluded landowner.
3. As commercial/plantation farmworker.
1. In your perception, did your educational attainment affect your livelihood choice, performance and income level? [ ] YES [ ] NO. If yes, how did it affect you?
2. How did you acquire the knowledge and skills you find useful in your livelihood?
3. Do you wish to take Dual-Tech (Learning-While-Doing) Training Courses yourself? [ ] YES [ ] No. Why or why not? _________________
4. If any or all of your children are to be interested in taking up Dual-Tech Training, will you allow and support them? [ ] YES [ ] No. Why or why not?
5. Do [ ] you and/or [ ] your spouse have plans to [ ] Finish College/Vocational and/or [ ] Work Abroad? [ ] Yes [ ] No. Why or why not?
6. Do your children above 15 also have plans to [ ] Finish College/Vocational and/or [ ] Work Abroad? [ ] Yes [ ] No. Why or why not?
7. Who and/or what institutions exert influence in the identifying, planning, deciding and implementing your community and livelihood activities? Rate from 0 (no influence) to 100 (only influence) making sure that the sum adds up to 100. aAcHCT
[ ] Spouse [ ] Next-door Neighbors [ ] Religious Association
[ ] Parents [ ] Co-workers/Fellow Farmers [ ] Cooperative/Union
[ ] Children [ ] Community Leaders/Elders [ ] Employer/Landowner
[ ] Relatives [ ] Traders [ ] Government Workers
[ ] Friends [ ] Money Lenders [ ] _____________
8. Which of the following do you influence in their identification, planning, deciding, and implementing of community and livelihood activities? Rate with values ranging from 0 (no influence) to 100 (only influence) making sure that the sum of the values add up to 100.
[ ] Spouse [ ] Next-door Neighbors [ ] Religious Association
[ ] Parents [ ] Co-workers/Fellow Farmers [ ] Cooperative/Union
[ ] Children [ ] Community Leaders/Elders [ ] Employer/Landowner
[ ] Relatives [ ] Traders [ ] Government Workers
[ ] Friends [ ] Money Lenders [ ] ________________
9. Rate the following community welfare indicators as either (1) satisfactory, (2) tolerable and (3) unsatisfactory, and then rank from [1] (least important) to [8] (most important).
Rate Rank Rate Rank
( ) [ ] level of income ( ) [ ] availability of labor employment
( ) [ ] education ( ) [ ] personal & family health
( ) [ ] market outlets/buyers ( ) [ ] private savings & credit access
( ) [ ] roads and bridges ( ) [ ] government (public) services
10. Based on your own experience, rate the contribution of the following, in percent and adding up to a total of 100%, to the income and profitability of your farming and other income-generating activities.
[ ] Production Mgt [ ] Personnel Mgt [ ] Finance Mgt [ ] Marketing Mgt
11. Rank from 1 to 5 (least to most critical) the following specific management functions as to their respective importance in farming as:
An Individual [ ] Planning [ ] Organizing [ ] Directing [ ] Staffing [ ] Control
A Group [ ] Planning [ ] Organizing [ ] Directing [ ] Staffing [ ] Control
Step 1: Connect the pictures, using one or more single or double-headed arrows (as shown below), to establish your desired functional relationships and/or input-output linkages among the pictures below, whichever is deemed applicable.
Step 2: Assign a number inside the ring of each of the arrows as to the preferred sequence (i.e., order of preference)
Step 3: Repeating Steps 1 and 2 with 2 to 4 adjacent neighbors, prepare a common pictograph.
Where Do You Go from Here?
Congratulations! By completing the Purdue Proposal Enhancement Tools, you've organized, analyzed, and compiled a valuable information file.
Incorporate the information you've developed at the appropriate points in your proposal to give you an edge in getting it accepted and funded.
To really stand out against the competition, put your Anticipated Impact Statement(s) right up front in your executive summary or project abstract, and repeat throughout.
Good luck!