August 11, 2003
TO : All concerned DAR Central Office Officials/Personnel and all Field Officials
(Regional Directors, Provincial Agrarian Reform Officers, Municipal Agrarian
Reform Officers and other concerned Officials/Personnel
SUBJECT : Guidelines in the Inventory of the CARP Scope (ICS)
The PARC Executive Committee through Resolution No. 2002-SP-1 approved and reaffirmed its technical and financial support for the conduct of the Inventory of the DAR-CARP Scope (ICS) Project.
The Project is envisioned to help attain the Department's thrust of expediting the acquisition of lands towards its completion by 2008. This is in line with the President's SONA commitment to distribute 100,000 hectares of private agricultural lands annually.
Through the conduct of the ICS project, the actual remaining agricultural lands for coverage will be determined as basis for sound policy decisions and realistic planning and budgeting for the CARP.
The Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) is mandated to implement the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP), the coverage of which is defined under Section 4, RA 6657, and other agrarian-related laws.
In 1994, the DAR Management initiated a review of the DAR CARP Scope, which resulted to the program scope revision from a total of 3.8M hectares to 4.29M hectares. This revised official scope, disaggregated by province, has served as the basis for the budgetary planning and targeting of annual land acquisition and distribution. Since then, changes in the scope were observed in several provinces.
Among others, the possible reasons for these changes are due to the following:
1) The data/information supporting the DAR CARP Scope were primarily sourced from the Landowners' Tax Declaration. To some extent, it was also sourced from the landowners' land title available at the time. The 4.29 million hectares scope, by and large, included CARP covered agricultural lands and portions that ultimately were found to be non-coverable.
2) The periodic concurrence of the approval/decisions by competent authorities relative to applications for retention, exemption, exclusion, land use conversion, and cancellations that already affected the CARP's land acquisition and distribution scope and reported accomplishment. HAaScT
Considering the aforementioned reasons, the time has come to review, update, and build-up the database of the official DAR CARP scope, through the Inventory of CARP Scope (ICS), that will enable the DAR to work on a more accurate basis for realistic planning, budgeting, and sound policy decisions.
The inventory of CARP Scope is a continuation of the data cleansing of the CARP Scope Validation (CSV) undertaken sometime in 1993 until 1994. It encompasses not only physical counting, but also the review, verification, validation, sorting and classification of data and/or information derived from the primary source documents, (i.e., Certification of Title, Approved Survey Plan (ASP); and/or alternative source) attributed to agricultural lands through land ownership, cultivatorship, tenurial arrangements, use of land, among others.
To come up with a definite DAR CARP Scope, we shall target with the identification of landholdings that are supported by official and/or legal documents. For this purpose, there are four main components of the inventory, such as:
1. Inventory of the DAR Scope Balance
This inventory shall determine the specific status of identification and documentation of agricultural landholdings constituting the balance of CARP covered areas with the end in view of further accelerating its acquisition and distribution and the implementation of the agricultural leasehold program.
The inventory of DAR Scope Balance shall take precedence over all other inventories and shall take effect immediately. This is also in line with the operational directives of the present administration in ensuring high cumulative accomplishments of distributed landholdings within the first half of the current year and in increasing leasehold accomplishments.
To ensure accuracy, the Certificate of Title and its corresponding Technical Description shall be used as a primary source document. For this purpose, certified true copies of titles shall be gathered and accounted for. This is without prejudice to the use of other legal instruments or proof of ownership in cases where subject Certificates of Title are not available.
After gathering the certified true copies of title and other legal instruments and/or proof of ownership, the Document Gathering and Verification Team (DGVT) shall immediately forward the same to the Provincial Pre-Processing Unit (PPU), and retain photocopies thereof.
In the process, the inventory shall immediately determine which of the landholdings have titles and which have not. Eventually, the latter will be subject to further research to determine the supporting documents available in establishing proof of ownership.
Foregoing considered, the PPU shall give first priority on the processing and completion of claim folders to those with certified true copy of title or other legal instrument and/or proof of ownership.
2. Inventory of Landholdings Already Covered By Orders/Decisions of Retention, Exclusion, Exemption, Conversion and Cancellation.
This inventory shall determine the magnitude of landholdings or portion of it and its corresponding areas covered with final orders/decisions for retention, exclusion, exemption, conversion and cancellation.
It is expected that the master list of landholdings covered by approved orders of retention is immediately generated and thereafter submitted in accordance with the procedures herein prescribed.
3. Inventory of Approval Survey Plan (ASP) on DAR CARP Covered Agricultural Lands
This inventory shall determine the actual numbers of ASP/ landholdings by municipality/barangay including the areas covered to include those that are retained, excluded/exempted, converted, etc.). It shall also determine if, from each CARP covered landholdings, there are remnant lots that could still be acquired and distributed.
With the compilation of all ASP and the systematized data/information of the foregoing components of the inventory, digitizing and consolidating the ASP map by landholding and landownership and by municipality/barangay will serve as basis for the LTI map. This map will indicate areas that still have to be covered and those that were distributed, retained, exempted/excluded, converted under different land uses (during and/or after coverage) and other attributes to the land like ownership, cultivatorship, under leasehold, tenanted, crops planted among others.
4. Inventory of EP/CLOA Titles
This inventory shall determine the magnitude of the actual EP/CLOA issued and its corresponding areas taking into account transfer actions, cancellation of individual EP/CLOA and cancellation of collective CLOA and its subsequent subdivision. In relation to the inventory of the ASP, it shall also determine the magnitude of the original landholdings from where the EP/CLOA emanated.
Part of this project shall be the improvement and updating of the EP/CLOA Information and other relevant information.
It should be underscored that the quality of organized data/information gathered from this inventories are vital inputs to the development of an integrated DAR CARP Covered Land Information files and thereafter, to a Comprehensive Land Information System that shall be developed through the collaborative efforts of the MIS, BLAD, BLD, IMRU, RDPC and PDPC.
It should likewise be noted that the inventory of landholdings covered by Orders/Decisions per Item No. III-2 above, which became final and executory shall be the basis of the implementation of the EP/CLOA inventory. ICHcTD
To implement the conduct of the inventory, special committees shall be created for the purpose. They shall continue to function until their tasks shall have been completed. Thereafter they shall cease to exist. There shall be created a Provincial Document Gathering and Validating Team (DGVT), a Regional Retention, Exemption, Exclusion, Convertion and Cancellation Inventory Team (REECCIT) and the ICS-National Steering Committee (ICS-NSC) and ICS-Technical Working Group (ICS-TWG).
1. Provincial Level
1.1 The PARO shall establish the Document Gathering and Verifying Team (DGVT). The DGVT is a specialized crew/team, trained in analyzing and interpreting data and information derived from land ownership documents, titles, approved survey plans, technical description and/or computations, transfer of ownership and/or land transaction in CARP-covered landholdings and other related activities.
1.2 The DGVT shall be composed of five (5) representatives from the different units of the provincial office. They shall be grouped as one distinct unit.
1.3 The composition of the Team is as follows:
1.3.1 One (1) representative from the Operations Division-Chairperson
1.3.2 One (1) representative from the PMEU-Co Chair
1.3.3 One (1) representative from the Legal Division-Member
1.3.4 One (1) representative from the Survey Section-Member
1.3.5 One (1) representative from the Provincial Data Processing Center (PDPC)
1.4 Duties and Functions of the DGVT
Under the over-all direction and supervision of the Provincial Agrarian Reform Officer, the DGVT shall be provided with adequate resources, time and space so that they can focus on the inventories and perform the following:
1.4.1 Ensure and be responsible in the conduct and completion of the inventory of a) landholdings of the DAR CARP Scope Balance, b) Inventory of ASP of DAR CARP Covered Agricultural Lands and c) Inventory of EP/CLOA Titles;
1.4.2 Because of its urgency, ensure first, the completion of the inventory of the Provincial DAR CARP Scope Balance within the shortest time possible. Depending upon the magnitude of its balance, resources and manpower, the DAR Provincial Office may conduct two or more inventories simultaneously in a way that it should not prejudice the immediate completion of the Provincial DAR CARP Scope Balance;
1.4.3 Analyze, validate, and review the data documents gathered in accordance with the foregoing objectives mentioned for each inventory;
1.4.4 Account for the data and documents gathered in their respective provinces and municipalities and that pertinent information derived therefrom, shall be entered into a computerized information system that will be provided;
1.4.5 Maintain proper coordination with the ICS-TWG and submit an action plan and monthly summary report as required by the ICS-National Steering Committee through the ICS-TWG; and
1.4.6 Perform such other related activities that are necessary to accomplish the inventory and specifically, to assist the MARO and facilitate CF document requirements of priority landholdings in order to fast track its land acquisition process.
2. Regional Level
2.1 The Regional Director shall establish the Retention, Exemption, Exclusion, Conversion and Cancellation Inventory Team (REECCIT).
2.2 They shall be composed of four (4) representatives from the different units of the Regional Office who shall be grouped as one distinct unit.
2.2.1 One (1) representative from the Operations Division-Chairperson
2.2.2 One (1) representative from the Legal Division-Co-Chair
2.2.3 One (1) representative from the Regional Data Processing Center (RDPC) — Member
2.2.4 One (1) representative from the Regional Special Concern (RSCS) or Quick Response Staff — Member
2.3 Duties and Functions of the REECCIT
Under the overall direction and supervision of the Regional Director the REECCIT shall:
2.3.1 Be responsible in the systematic conduct of the inventory in their respective region. The region will serve as the repository of all compiled orders, decisions and confirmations;
2.3.2 Plan and initiate appropriate activities to ensure that all final orders/decisions/confirmations pertaining to retention, exclusion, exemption, conversion and cancellation of EP/CLOA titles of agricultural lands in their respective regions are located and gathered and that the information derived therefrom shall be properly encoded and entered into a system;
2.3.3 Maintain proper coordination with the ICS-TWG and submit an action plan and monthly summary report to the ICS-National Steering Committee through the ICS-TWG; and
2.3.4 Perform such other related activities that are necessary to accomplish the inventory.
3. National Level
Under the over-all direction and supervision of the Undersecretary for Field Operations Office, the ICS NSC and ICS-TWG shall have the following duties and functions.
3.1 The Field Operations Group (FOG) shall oversee the implementation of the ICS project through the ICS-NSC created for the purposes;
3.2 The ICS-NSC shall be assisted by the ICS-TWG in providing technical back-up support and monitoring the inventory;
3.3 The ICS-NSC shall review and recommend for approval the DAR Regional and Provincial Offices' respective ICS action plan and budget; and
3.4 Through the ICS-TWG and in close collaboration with the Bureau of Land Acquisition and Distribution (BLAD) shall among others, assist the regions in the gathering of orders/decisions on file in the various units in the Central Office and Regular Courts.
The detailed operational guidelines attached herewith shall form an integral part of this Memorandum Circular. All Regional Directors, Assistant Regional Directors Provincial Agrarian Reform Officers and other concerned officials and personnel are hereby enjoined to strictly comply with the guidelines. They shall ensure the full support and cooperation of LRA, DENR, LBP and other cooperating agencies in the implementation of the ICS.
The Regional Directors through their Assistant Regional Director for Operations shall oversee and monitor the ICS implementation at the regional and provincial level and they shall ensure its completion as planned.
The DAR Regional and Provincial Offices shall submit their respective Action Plan and Budget to the National Steering Committee, through the ICS-TWG which will recommend the necessary amount to be transferred to concerned offices/units. The ICS-TWG recommendation shall be forwarded to the DAR Budget Division through the PARC Secretariat for the latter's monitoring purposes of the utilization of the funds allocated for the activity.
The budgetary requirements that will be requested, are intended to supplement the available Regional and Provincial resources in the ICS and shall not be considered as a pre-condition for its implementation. EcAISC
This Memorandum Circular takes effect immediately and supersedes and/or modifies previous Circulars issued on the subject matter.
Done this 11th day of August 2003, Diliman, Quezon City.
The following are the detailed guidelines in the inventory of DAR CARP Scope.
I. Four Major Components of the Inventory of DAR CARP Scope
There are four major components of the inventory. These are:
1. Inventory of DAR CARP Scope Balance
2. Inventory of Landholdings Covered by Orders of Retention, Exclusion, Exemption, Conversion and Cancellation (REECC)
3. Inventory of Approved Survey Plan
4. Inventory of EP/CLOA
II Outputs of the Inventory
1. Inventory of DAR CARP Scope Balance
At the end of the inventory of balance, all Provincial Offices shall have:
1.1 Determined the total actual balance of the landholdings or portion of it that still have to be covered for land acquisition and distribution.
1.2 From the total actual balance, determined which landholdings that are most probable to acquire within the current year and in the ensuing years vis-a-vis landholdings that have legal, technical and other problems.
1.3 Determined, finally, the landholdings with and without titles and/or other alternative proof of ownership;
1.4 Determined tenanted landholdings in the scope balance potential for leasehold; and
1.5 Databank information of CARP covered landholdings for future reference in the development of Land Information System (LIS).
2. Inventory of Landholdings Covered by Orders/Decisions
At the end of the inventory of orders, all Regional Offices in their own respective concerns, shall have:
2.1 Gathered and compiled all final orders/decisions regarding Retention, Exemption, Exclusion, Conversion and Cancellation (REECC) issued by the Office of the President, DAR Secretary, Regional Director, Adjudication Board, Special Agrarian Court and Regular Court;
2.2 Determined the magnitude of landholdings or portion of it that are covered by the issuances of orders/decisions and classified said landholdings as to the nature of the landowners application; and
2.3 Developed database for the Retention, Exemption, Exclusion, Conversion and Cancellation Information System (REECCIS) that will be link with the other information systems and shared with the other DAR units.
3. Inventory of the Approved Survey Plans (ASP)
At the end of the inventory of the ASP the Provincial Offices shall have:
3.1 Gathered and compiled ASPs of all DAR CARP covered agricultural lands within their jurisdiction;
3.2 Captured essential textual data/information (original land information, resultant lots — retention, roads, easements, distributed lots etc.) in the ASP for database build-up and linked to the other information systems (EP/CLOAIS, LIS etc.)
3.3 Served as reference for the physical verification of occupancy by the EP/CLOA holders and determination of remnants lots that will still have to be covered; and
3.4 Served as reference, especially the technical description, to the DAR CARP Covered Agricultural Lands Integrated Mapping Project.
4. Inventory of EP/CLOA Titles
At the end of the inventory of the EP/CLOA titles all Regional and Provincial Offices shall have:
4.1 In relation to the ASP inventory, identified the original landholdings where the EP/CLOA titles emanated from;
4.2 In relation to the REECC inventory, determined the cancelled EP/CLOAs and classified according to the nature of cancellation (reversion, subdivision of collective CLOA, correction, transfer action etc.)
4.3 Improved, updated and expanded the database of the existing EP/CLOA Information Systems that eventually, will be linked to the DAR CARP Scope of original landholdings.
III. Phases and Prioritization
In order to expedite and effectively realize our annual target in land acquisition and distribution, we give highest priority in the Inventory of DAR CARP Scope balance.
In line with the Secretary's operational directive, there is an urgent need to immediately evaluate the specific status of each landholding, prior to coverage in order to ascertain the accuracy and doability of the working balance. This will serve as a reliable basis for strategizing and planning to ensure land acquisition and distribution and accelerate DARPO's accomplishment by at least 60% of their respective target in the middle of the current year.
Together with the Inventory of Landholdings Covered by Orders/Decisions, the Inventory of CARP Scope Balance shall be completed within the current year. However, this priority undertaking is without prejudice to the provinces, which can undertake the other inventories depending on their available manpower and resources.
In the Inventory of Landholdings Covered by Orders/Decisions, the REECCIT shall prioritize the inventory of landholdings covered with orders of retention. Build up of the database of landowners who have availed of their right of retention shall be installed, immediately. This database shall serve as an inter-provincial and inter-regional verification of landowners who already have availed of his right of retention.
Immediately after the Inventories, list of landholdings per barangay shall be generated and categorized as balance, accomplished, covered with orders/decisions, among others. These shall be posted in conspicuous places in the barangay. Based on the posted landholdings the PARO/MARO shall initiate a barangay consultation/verification and encourage the community to provide additional information for possible landholdings that should be included or excluded from the list of coverage.
IV. Project Implementation
1. Inventory of DAR CARP Scope Balance
The balance referred hereto constitutes the total balance of Province/Municipality beginning CY 2003 onwards. It shall include the following:
• All landholdings, which shall be covered for distribution and leasehold operations, constituting the list of balance generated from the CARP Scope Validation and other sources.
• All landholdings that are undergoing documentation processing at the MARO level;
• All landholdings targeted for the year either already accomplished/distributed or are still in the pipeline [landholdings pending at ROD, with Certificate of Deposit, with Memo of Valuation (MOV), with Land Valuation Sheet, for Generation of EP/CLOA]; and
• All landholdings whose Claim Folder (CF) or Distribution Folder (DF) processing is suspended because of the landowners' pending application for retention, exemption/exclusion and conversion and landholding/s whose portion are the only applied areas with final orders/decisions. (Entire landholding/s with final orders/decisions of retention, exemption, exclusion and conversion in favor of the application are excluded from the balance.) SaITHC
The PARO thru the Document Gathering and Verification Team (DGVT) shall both be responsible in the proper filling up of ICS Form 1-A (refer to Annex A for the worksheet form and Annex B for the instructions) with accurate data principally source from the Certificate of Title and Approved Survey Plan.
1.1 ICS Form 1-A and LTI Mon Form 1
Data already inputted into the LTI Monitoring Form 1 relative to the information on landholdings and landownership may become part of the ICS Form 1-A for so long as these are validated data and or sourced from primary source documents (Certificate of Title and Technical Description of an Approved Survey Plan). Data coming from the tax declaration shall be considered temporary data of the ICS Form 1-A subject to validation and updating from data sourced from primary documents.
It must be underscored that data emphasis on landholdings and landownership information vary between LTI Mon Form 1 and ICS Form 1-A. LTI Monitoring Form 1 relates the additional information provided in view of monitoring the acquisition process of a landholding after its basic documentary requirements (Certified True Copy of Title) are made available. While the ICS Form 1-A relates the information provided in determining the coverability and doability of the landholdings, preparatory to its land acquisition process. It also relates information to evaluate problematic landholdings.
In view of the above, the data/information in the ICS Form 1-A compliments that of the LTI Monitoring Form 1.
Data inputted into the ICS Form 1-A serves not only the land acquisition process but also the Land Information System of DAR CARP covered agricultural lands.
In the filling up of the ICS Form 1-A take note on the information regarding availability of Certified True Copy of Title, the Survey Information and the Tenure Status of Actual and Potential Farmer Beneficiaries. This information establishes the essential requirements to proceed with the completion of the documentation stage of land acquisition and distribution. Also, take note of the supplemental worksheet, ICS Form 1-B, for describing the nature of problematic of landholdings.
1.2 Methodology
In most cases, the list of landholdings generated from the CARP Scope Validation (CSV) and the data derived therefrom, are generally the landholdings sourced from the landowner's tax declaration filed in the Municipal Assessor's Office. Such data are usually estimates of the landowner or the person who filed them. While data derived from the CSV and/or Tax Declaration can be used in filling up the ICS Form 1-A, this should be updated and corrected only from the data derived from primary source documents like Titles and Approved Survey Plan.
If data/information are already available in the LTI Mon Form 1A, the data/information ask in the ICS Form 1A corresponding to the LTI Mon Form 1A may no longer be filled up. The LTI Mon Form 1A shall be annex to the ICS Form 1A. However, the rest of the data/information not provided for by LTI Mon Form 1A shall be completed and updated in the ICS Form 1A with emphasis that this be sourced from primary documents.
1.2.1 At the PARO Level The DGVT shall generate a list of landholdings comprising the total balance of the province; The PARO, on the basis of the subject list shall make representation with the ROD relative to the issuance of certified true copies of titles. After which, the DGVT shall arrange the following:
a. Search for Certificate of Titles of landholdings based on the list, to include coverable agricultural landholdings that are not in the list;
b. Acquire a Certified True Copy of Title for each landholding, and
c. Arrange with the ROD the safekeeping of the original copies of the certified true copies of titles. After gathering the certified true copies of title and other legal instruments and/or proof of ownership, the Document Gathering and Verification Team (DGVT) shall immediately forward the same to the Provincial Pre-Processing Unit (PPU), and retain photocopies thereof.
In the process, this inventory shall immediately determine which of the landholdings have Titles and which have not. Eventually, the latter will be subject to further research to determine the supporting documents available in establishing proof of ownership.
Foregoing considered, the PPU shall give first priority on the processing and completion of claim folders to those with certified true copy of title or other legal instrument and/or proof of ownership. The DGVT shall be responsible in filling up ICS Form 1-A derived from the photocopies of the certified true copies of title gathered. They shall also prepare the ICS Form 1-A on landholdings with CFs under process at the DARPO, LBP and ROD including those already accomplished for the current year; In instances where the landowner has more than one landholding, the DGVT shall accomplish separate Form 1-A for each landholding. If only the portion of the subject landholding has been approved for retention, exemption/exclusion, or conversion, the DGVT shall still accomplish Form 1-A indicating portion of that landholding with approved application. If in case a current tax declaration is availed of and that there is no Title from which the landholding data can be derived, the DGVT shall still use the CSV data, if this is already available, to fill up the ICS Form 1-A. The-current tax declaration shall only be attached to the Form for future reference; The DGVT shall be responsible in completing the data/information inputted in the Forms 1-A, including Forms 1-B for problematic landholdings. They shall initiate activities to gather more information about the landholdings at the MARO level; The DGVT shall likewise categorize each landholding's status if it is workable, problematic or deductible; If Titles are not available at the ROD, other remedies should be undertaken by the DGVT in obtaining basic documents pertinent to proof of ownership like the landholding's ASP available at the LMS. With regards to the problematic landholdings, the DGVT shall classify and analyze them according to its nature and doability. They shall submit their analysis and recommendation to the PARO who shall act appropriately; Likewise, the DGVT shall classify landholdings or portion of it considered deductibles. A list of deductible lands not covered by orders or confirmed in the DAR-LBP Field Investigation Report shall be generated for verification and future action of DARPO regarding the required certification coming from the proper authorities (HLURB, DENR, DA etc); and The DGVT shall properly encode the information derived from the ICS Form 1-A into a database.
2. Inventory of Landholdings Covered by Orders of Retention, Exemption., Exclusion, Conversion and Cancellation (REECC)
2.1 At the National Level
2.1.1 The Inventory of CARP Scope Technical Working Group (ICS-TWG) shall be responsible in gathering and compiling all final orders/decisions (approved/disapproved) by the Office of the President, Office of the Secretary, DARAB, and Courts pertaining to retention, exemption, exclusion, land use conversion, cancellation of EP/CLOA, and other relevant Orders/Decisions;
2.1.2 The ICS-TWG shall first accomplish ICS Form No. 2 (refer to Annex E and F) from the information derived from the orders/decisions.
2.1.3 After accomplishing the forms, it shall then forward these along with copies of the orders/decisions, to the concerned Regional Offices.
2.2 At the Regional Level
2.2.1 The REECCIT shall gather and compile all final orders/decisions issued by the Regional Director and Special Agrarian Court, RARAD and PARAD. Likewise, it shall gather and compile copies of orders/decisions furnished thru their respective offices in the province and municipalities issued by the Office of the President, Office of the Secretary, DARAB and Higher Courts and other sources where these can be obtained;
2.2.2 The REECCIT shall coordinate and receive the copies of orders/decisions and accomplished ICS Form No. 2 from the ICS-TWG;
2.2.3 The REECCIT shall accomplish a summarized inventory (ICS Form No. 2) from the information derived from the orders/decisions.
2.2.4 The REECCIT shall properly collate the compiled copies for possible duplications before encoding the information into a database; and
2.2.5 A master list of landowner/landholding shall be generated according to the nature of application (retention, exclusion, exemption, conversion and cancellation), decision rendered and location. They shall provide regularly updated copies of the master list to the DARPO and MARO.
2.2.6 In particular, the Bureau of Land Acquisition and Distribution shall be provided with a master list of orders for retention for its dissemination to all the provinces.
3. Inventory of ASP of Land Titles
3.1 The Provincial Office through the DGVT shall gather and/or compile all Approved Survey Plans available at the province and/or regional office, whether subdivision, consolidation, segregation, land-use survey or perimeter survey;
3.2 The DGVT will analyze and interpret the data and information derived from the ASP, taking into account information pertaining to the survey number and lot number, the resultant lot number and those which are apparently not covered by CARP, such as easement, roads, rivers/creeks, non-agricultural areas among others;
3.3 The DGVT shall properly and accurately accomplish ASP Inventory Form (ICS Form No. 3, refer to Annex G) with the data/information derived from the ASP;
3.4 The DGVT shall properly encode the information gathered into appropriate database.
4. Inventory of EP/CLOA Titles
4.1 The DAR Provincial Office through the DGVT shall generate the complete list of EP/CLOA and their distributed lots (Annex I), using the EPIS and CLOAIS databases.
4.2 The DGVT shall use the compiled approved survey plan in gathering basic data/information on the original landholding where the EP/CLOA came from in filling up ICS Form No. 4 (Annex I), regarding the former landowner, title whether OCT or TCT, Title Number, Survey and Lot Number, area and crops.
4.3 The DGVT shall determine from the list, all cancelled EP/CLOAs from the compiled orders/decisions gathered by the REECCIT
4.4 Data/information derive shall be encoded into the improved and updated database of the accomplished EP and CLOA that will be interfaced with the other information system.
ICS Form No. 1-A
Landholding and Ownership Inventory Worksheet
Instructions for Accomplishing ICS Form No. 1 (Landholding & Ownership Inventory Worksheet)
Ref. Description
(1) the province where the landholding is located
(2) the municipality where the landholding is located
(3) the barangay where the landholding is located
(4) the last name of the LO
(5) his/her first name
(6) his/her middle initial or name
(7) the date of birth of the LO and check yes if he/she is deceased or check no if not.: Indi
(7a) Check yes if he/she is deceased, check no if not
(7b) If deceased, Indicate number of Heirs
(8) the last name of the LO's spouse
(9) his/her first name
(10) his/her middle initial or name
(11) check current if address of LO indicated is current, check per title if address of LO indicated is derived from title.
(12) the number and street of the LO's address
(13) the barangay/sitio of the LO's address
(14) the city/municipality of the LO's address
(15) the province of the LO's address
(16) write the name of the corporation, agency or entity in full
(17) check current if address of LO indicated is current, check per title, if address of LO indicated is derived from title.
(18) the number and street of the LO's address
(19) the barangay/sitio of the LO's address
(20) the city/municipality of the LO's address
(21) the province of the LO's address
(22) write the representative's last name
(23) write the representative's first name
(24) write the representative's middle name or initial
(25) Check OCT if title is OCT, check TCT if title is TCT
(26) Title number indicated in the title
(27) Date the title was registered
(28) area indicated in the title
(29) Check the basis for awarding if the title is OCT
(30) If copy of title available at the MARO office is certified, check certified: if not, check not certified: if MARO do not have a title copy check not available. (Note: the MARO should not miss this box)
(31) If TCT, indicate the title no. of the former LO inscribed in the TCT
(32) indicate completely the name and address of the former LO
(33) If title is encumbered check encumbered, if not check not encumbered
(34) Check the primary source of data/reference mentioned above. If the source is the title because the title is available, check title. If the data source is the CSV or Tax dec because the title is not available, check CSV or Tax Dec.
(35) Indicate the Tax Dec No. of the owners tax declaration corresponding the landholding
(36) Indicate the property Index No.
(37) Indicate the total area declared in the tax declaration
(38) Indicate the land use/crops and the corresponding area derived in the tax declaration
(39) Indicate the land use/crops and the corresponding area derived in the FIR.
(40) based on the preliminary OCI, how many ARBs are preferred, if any?
(41) how many actual ARBs are tenant, if any?
(42) how many actual ARBs are farm workers, if any?
(43) how many potential ARBs are seasonal workers, if any?
(44) how many potential ARBs are landless residents in the vicinity if any?
(45) Indicate the total number of ARBs by taking the sum of all the actual and potential ARBs.
(45a) If tenanted, indicate crop/s planted and corresponding estimated area.
(45b) If land has an existing leasehold instruments, indicate nature of instrument
(45c) Describe the tenancy relationship of the tenanted lands: written or verbal agreement and sharing system.
(46) Indicate the survey plan number derived from the title or the ASP, if available.
(47) Indicate the lot number of the landholding, if available. Some landholdings may have two lot numbers as this may encompass areas located in the boundaries of two municipalities.
(48) Indicate area per lot or per isolated survey plan.
(49) Indicate and check the cadastral project no. and case no, PLS or GSS project number whichever is available.
(50) indicate workable, problematic and/or deductible, referring to the status of the landholdings or portion of it.
(51) Indicate the corresponding area attributed to the status.
(52) for problematic and deductible describe the cause briefly. If problematic, a supplemental worksheet shall be provided along with this worksheet. Describe accurately the problem, action taken and further action to be taken. If deductible, attach copy of orders, certification or results of the FIR in the worksheet
ICS Form No. 1-B
Supplementing Sheet for Problematic Landholdings
Supplemental Sheet for Problematic Landholdings Instructions In filling up
(1) (a) indicate if problem falls under what classification: administrative, policy, legal and technical
(1) (b) Write the name of the LO: last name, first name, middle name.
(1) (c) Indicate the location of the landholding
(1) (d) Indicate the title number/s
(1) (e) Indicate the area based in titles
(1) (f) Indicate the specific area affected
(1) (g) Indicate the number of ARBs affected
(1) (h) indicate the crops/land use of area affected
(1) (i) Whereabouts of the LH/s in the land acquisition process.
(2) Describe the nature of the problem by answering the question: "what are the reasons/factors causing the obstruction/delay in the land acquisition process?" Describe also the magnitude or the effect of this problem either to the program, ARBs, community etc.
(3) Describe what action/s are needed, what are the requirements, who should initiate the actions and what results are expected and from whom.
(4) So far what action/s were undertaken and the results of these action/s.
(5) From your analysis what further action/s are needed to resolve or move the problem in its first step towards its final solution.
ICS Form No. 2
Information Worksheet on Landholding Covered by Order/Decisions
Filling up Instructions
This inventory worksheet was designed to capture the necessary information on landholdings covered by the following orders:
• Retention
• Exemption
• Exclusion
• Conversion
• Cancellation
Data Elements Instruction/Description
Region Indicate the region where the landholding covered by
the order is located
Province Indicate the province where the landholding covered
by the order is located
(1) Nature Nature of cases/application
Ret — Retention
Exe — Exemption
Exc. — Exclusion
Conv — Land Use Conversion
Canc — Cancellation
(2) Landowner Indicate the full name of the landowner using the
(Last Name, First Name, Middle Name or Initial)
In case of co-ownership, indicate the name of each
(3) Municipality Indicate the name of the Municipality where the
landholding is located
(4) Barangay Indicate the name of the Barangay where the
landholding is located
(5) Title Number Indicate the landholding of the land covered by the
(6) TaxDec Number If available, indicate the Tax Declaration Number of
the land covered by the agreement
(7) Survey Number Indicate the survey number of the land as written in the
approved survey plan (ASP)
(8) Lot Number Indicate the lot number of the land corresponding to
the assigned ASP
(9) Area Indicate the area in hectares as indicated in the title
(10) Area Covered by Indicate the area in hectares that is approved by the
Order order
(11) Date Indicate the date when the case/application was filed
was filed
(12) Office where filed Indicate the office where the case/application was
OP — Office of the President
OS — Office of the DAR Secretary
RD — Regional Director
DARAB — Adjudicator Board
RARAD — Regional Adjudicator
PARAD — Provincial Adjudicator
SAC — Special Agrarian Court
CA — Court of Appeals
SC — Supreme Court
(13) Date of Decision Indicate the date of the final order/decision of the
(14) Office where finally Indicate the office where the case/application was
decided finally decided
OP — Office of the President
OS — Office of the DAR Secretary
RD — Office of the Regional Director
DARAB — Adjudicator Board
RARAD — Regional Adjudicator
PARAD — Provincial Adjudicator
SAC — Special Agrarian Court
CA — Court of Appeals
SC — Supreme Court
(15) Decision Indicate the decision whether it is approved or
(Approved/ disapproved
(16) DAR Docket Indicate the Docket Number assigned by DAR
(17) Remarks Indicate if there are implications of the order
ICS Form No. 3
Approved Survey Plan Inventory Form
Approved Survey Land (ASP) Inventory Forms Filling-Up Instructions
Approved Survey Plan (ASP) Inventory form is designed to gather information on the Land Acquisition and Distribution of CARP Scope. The data will be captured at DAR Regional Office using all approved survey plan.
Data Element Instruction/Description
(1) Province Name of province where the landholdings are located.
Approved Survey Plan Information
(2) Approved Survey Plan Approved Survey Plan Number of the land using the
Number format: Prefix-Sequence-Suffix-Case
(3) Survey Type Type of survey the parcel will be surveyed. Valid
types are:
• Subdivision
• Consolidation
• Consolidation-Subdivision
• Segregation
• Segregation-Subdivision
• Perimeter/Boundary/Relocation
(4) Date of Survey Date when survey plan was accomplished. Date format
is mm/dd/yyyy.
(5) Date Approved Date when survey plan was approved by LMS. Date
format is mm/dd/yyyy.
(6) Name of Geodetic Full name of the geodetic engineer that performs the
Engineer survey using the format:
{Last Name}, {First Name} {Middle Name/Initial}
(7) Name of Landowner/s Name of Landowner that appears in the title. For
individual landowner use the format: {Last Name},
{First Name} {Middle Name/Initial}
For corporation or gov't administered, write the
complete name.
Original Land Information — Information on land to be surveyed, NOT the result of survey
(8) Title No. Title number of the original landholding
(9) Tax Dec No. Tax declaration number of the original landholding
(10) Survey Plan No. Survey plan number of the original landholding using the format:
(11) Lot No. Lot number of the original landholding using the
Block-Lot Sequence-Suffix
(12) Area (sq.m.) Total area (in sq. m.) of the original landholding
(13) Location (Barangay, Barangay and Municipality name where the land is
Municipality) located using format: {Barangay Name},
{Municipality Name}
Resulting Lots
(14) Lot Number Resulting lot number of the approved survey plan using
the format: Block-Lot Sequence-Suffix
(15) Name of Tenant / Full name of Tenant or Claimant using the format:
Claimant/Type of Lot {Last Name), {First Name} {Middle Name/Initial}
In case resulting lot is deductible, indicate the type of
(16) Area (sq.m.) Area (in sq. m.) of the resulting lot
ICS Form No. 4
ASP Inventory Form (With EP/CLOA)