October 26, 2010
TO : All Regional Directors
All Provincial Agrarian Reform Program Officers
SUBJECT : Clarificatory Guidelines on the Conduct of ARC Level of Development Assessment
(ALDA) for CY 2010
Memorandum Circular No. 3, series of 2001 provided that:
"(Item IV) That the key result areas (KRAs) of ARC development are defined as 1) Land Tenure Improvement. . . 4) Farm Productivity and Income. . ."
"(Item VI.2b) That the ratings in each KRAs are used in computing the Sustainable Rural Development Index (SRDI) which is supposed to measure rural development and growth of ARCs;"
"(Item VII.a) ALDA reports and Revised ARC action plans per province, region . . . shall be done which will form part of the performance contract of the Regional Directors, ARDOs, and PAROs;
"(Item VII.b) The ALDA shall be conducted in all ARCs annually (4th quarter of the year) and (narrative) report on its conduct and results shall be submitted every 15th day of January of the succeeding year;"
Memorandum Circular No. 10, series of 2003 likewise stated that:
"(Item IV.5) To justify delisting of ARCs, ARC barangays, and organizations, a thorough evaluation, to include field verification/investigations . . . should be conducted. Supporting documents such as . . . certification of concerned agencies (e.g., CDA), field investigation report, and LGU/PARCCOM and PARCTF endorsement should be submitted to the National ARC Task Force (NARCTF) for deliberation and approval." ASDTEa
Memorandum dated 15 September 2010, on Operational Directives in the Conduct of ALDA for CY 2010 explicated that:
"In response to the need of having a reliable data on ARB household income and come up with a standardized tool in generating information, an Interview Guide in Generating ARB Household Income shall be used . . ."
Given the above provisions and in response to some concerns which arise on the conduct of ALDA, this Memorandum Circular is hereby issued to provide clarification on the following:
1. Submission of ALDA Processed Data and Narrative Report
2. Assessment of ARC Organizations
a. All cooperatives that have been re-registered with the CDA under RA 9520, including those that are still on process of re-registration;
b. Cooperatives which have not been able to re-register because of failure to comply with the mandatory requirements but are still operational;
c. All other organizations such as farmers organization/associations, irrigators association, women's organizations, etc. assisted (with local and/or FAPs funding) by DAR;
a. All cooperatives/organizations which have been officially delisted by the NARCTF;
b. Organizations which are no longer existing and non-functional (officers no longer conducting meetings, no economic activity/business/services, and records are not existent) but which validation report from MARO and certification from CDA, BARC, RARCTF and PARCTF have been submitted to the NARCTF.
All Memorandum Circulars and other issuances inconsistent herewith are hereby amended, modified or repealed accordingly.
For information and strict compliance.
November 5, 2010. Diliman, Quezon City. HAISEa