December 30, 2003
SUBJECT : Prioritizing PhilHealth Coverage for Members of the Barangay Agrarian Reform
Committee (BARC)
The Department of Agrarian Reform has forged a partnership with the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) for the universal coverage of the Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries (ARBs) under the National Health Insurance Program (NHIP). The partnership was formalized through the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on February 14, 2002, and the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) on June 11, 2002. Towards this end, "Greater Medicare Access (GMA) sa Bayanihan was launched to concretize the efforts for the implementation of social health insurance program in the ARCs and non-ARCs. These shall be implemented through partnership between the two government agencies and in collaboration with the local government units, community-based organizations, DAR foreign-assisted projects and other partner institutions.
DAR and PhilHealth have issued the Joint DAR-PhilHealth Memorandum Circular No. 18, series of 2003 on 29 December 2003. The Joint Circular outlines the guidelines for the advocacy and coverage of agrarian reform beneficiaries under the Sponsored Program and the Individual Paying Program of PhilHealth.
The Sponsored Program (SP) is a major component of the NHIP that aims to provide social health insurance to the impoverished and marginalized sectors of our society. Premiums of qualified indigents shall be shouldered by the LGUs with equity from the National Government. To expand program coverage, other sponsor may cost-share with the LGU to pay for the premiums. ARBs and other farmers who are classified as indigent by PhilHealth may be covered under this program.
The Individually Paying Program (IPP) is another component of NHIP that target the population that are not covered by the Formal Sector and are not qualified under the Sponsored Program (SP). This program will cater to ARBs and other farmers who have the capacity to pay the premium contribution of P100.00 per month, or a total of P1,200 per family per annum, which may be paid in quarter, semi-annual or annual basis.
In recognition of their voluntary efforts and services rendered for the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program, the members of the Barangay Agrarian Reform Committee (BARC), shall be given priority in the advocacy and coverage under PhilHealth's Sponsored and Individually Paying Programs.
In implementing the guidelines under the Joint DAR-PhilHealth Memorandum Circular No. 18, series of 2003, the Provincial Agrarian Reform Offices, shall prioritize the members of active BARCs in the advocacy, LGU negotiation and enrolment in the Sponsored Program as outlined under Section IV of the said Circular. CaTSEA
DAR shall exert all efforts to negotiate with LGUs to prioritize the coverage of BARC members in their existing Sponsored Program. To facilitate and expand the coverage to ARBs, specifically the BARC members, cost-sharing schemes with the LGU will be forge to cover the LGU premium share, which is based on the LGU class and number of years the member has been enrolled in the Sponsored Program.
Towards this end, DAR shall mobilize funds from different sources to cost-share with the LGU to pay for the premiums of ARBs. Among the fund sources are:
a. Local sponsors, foundations, and private voluntary organizations;
b. Development funds of legislators;
c. National government agencies, national NGO networks;
d. Foreign donors and Foreign-Assisted projects' funds;
e. Allocation from regular DAR budget;
f. Allocation from the Agrarian Reform Fund
The Regional Directors are hereby directed to convene their respective Regional Program Committees (RPCs) to commence implementation of the joint DAR-PhilHealth programs, consistent with the priorities as laid down in this Circular.
The Program Management Committee (PMC) shall likewise convene to formulate the necessary enabling mechanisms to facilitate program implementation.
This Memorandum Circular shall take effect immediately and shall remain in force unless modified or repealed accordingly.
Diliman, Quezon City, December 30, 2003.