August 12, 2004
TO : All Concerned Officials and Personnel of the DAR and the DENR
SUBJECT : Operating Guidelines and Procedures on the Monitoring and Reporting System on the Inspection, Verification and Approval of Surveys (IVAS) under the
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program
In order to ensure a synchronized and timely submission and generation of reliable data and information on the Inspection, Verification and Approval of Surveys (IVAS) under the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program, the following operational guidelines on monitoring and reporting procedures are hereby adopted.
A. The survey returns of DAR projects intended for the generation of Certificates of Land Ownership Award (CLOAs) for the first time shall be considered as new lands (as defined in Annex "B"). This and other information shall be relayed/provided by DAR to the DENR when endorsing survey returns to ensure correct reporting on the prescribed form.
B. All survey returns of DAR projects ready for submission to the DENR for IVAS shall be coursed through the DAR Regional Office for preliminary review and proper endorsement to the DENR Regional Office.
C. The DENR Regional Office shall receive DAR project survey returns only if properly endorsed by the DAR Regional Office. The DENR shall conduct preliminary evaluation of the submitted survey returns within five (5) working days to determine/effect issuance of Certificate of Acceptability.
D. Survey returns already received by the DENR and were not officially accepted/not covered by Certificate of Acceptability shall be returned officially to the DAR Regional Office concerned. It shall be DAR's duty to ensure compliance with DENR's requirements to facilitate the issuance of Certificate of Acceptability of the survey returns.
E. Accepted survey returns found in need of correction/completion of technical requirements in the course of verification shall be returned by the DENR to the DAR GE or private Contractor through the DAR Regional Office. Survey Contractors shall not be allowed to receive these directly from the DENR. However, if the correction or technical requirements will not need extensive reference to major elements of the survey returns, i.e., original title, survey computations and original survey plan, then the accepted survey returns need not be returned to the DAR Contractor, and the correction/technical requirements should only be communicated to the Contractor thru DAR. The Contractor/GE shall be required by the DENR to effect the correction/completion of requirements within fifteen (15) days or such period as may be deemed reasonable by the DENR.
F. Survey returns intended for resubmission to the DENR after correction/completion of technical requirements shall be accepted by the DENR-LMS only when properly indorsed by the DAR Regional Office.
The DAR and DENR, both at the Central and Regional levels, should initiate the cleansing and inventory of their respective records to ensure the speedy and smooth reconciliation and synchronization of report/data prior to and/or during the implementation of this circular.
A. The reporting period shall cover the whole month/quarter and the cut-off date is the end of each month/quarter.
B. To facilitate the monitoring of movements of the survey returns and the preparation of the DAR-DENR reports, IVAS Desk Officers shall be officially designated by DAR and DENR Regional Offices. The desk officers will jointly monitor the movements of the project survey returns so with the preparation of the Joint DAR-DENR required reports. The DAR Desk Officer shall initiate the identification of the Object of Survey and Mode of Survey in Forms 1 and 2 and the CARPable and Non-CARPable areas in Forms 3-A and 3-B. aSDCIE
C. The report shall cover and monitor the movement of survey returns from the time of submission by the DAR Regional Office to the DENR-LMS up to its final approval by the same DENR-LMS.
D. The regional reports, monthly and quarterly, (DAR-DENR IVAS Forms 1 and 2) shall be prepared jointly by the duly designated DAR and DENR IVAS Desk Officers, to be reviewed and verified by the DAR CARPO for Operations and DENR-LMS Chief, Surveys Division and shall be certified true and correct by the DAR Assistant Regional Director for Operations and DENR Regional Technical Director for Lands. The Regional Quarterly Report however, shall include the List of Landholdings as per Forms 3-A and 3-B.
E. The Regional DAR-DENR Joint Monthly Report shall be submitted to the DENR CARP National Coordinating Office (NCO), copy furnished the Bureau of Land Development (BLD) on or before the 7th of the succeeding month. The DENR-CARP NCO and DAR-BLD shall jointly consolidate the reports to come up with the Joint DAR-DENR National IVAS Report whereby a copy of which will be furnished by BLD to DAR's Planning Service.
F. The Quarterly National Report which includes the List of Landholdings covered by survey (DAR Forms 1, 2, 3-A and 3-B) shall be jointly accomplished by the DENR-CARP NCO and DAR-BLD and thereafter submitted to the PARC Secretariat on or before the 15th of the succeeding month. The PARC Secretariat will furnish a copy to the DAR Planning Service.
G. The DAR Planning Service shall furnish a copy of the Consolidated Quarterly Report to all the DAR Offices concerned. The DENR-CARP National Coordinating Office shall furnish a copy of the said report to all the DENR Offices concerned.
H. In case there are no new surveys submitted or approved, or there is no change of status of verification, the joint monthly report shall also be accomplished through a simple memorandum jointly prepared by the DAR-DENR stating the same.
I. The general instructions on how to accomplish the forms, definitions of terms and the DAR DENR IVAS Forms are labeled as Annexes "A", "B" and "C" and shall form part of the Circular.
Under this Circular, the concerned DAR and DENR officials/personnel designated to prepare the said reports shall primarily be held administratively liable as to the accuracy and timeliness of their submission.
This Circular takes effect immediately. Any circular order and/or issuance inconsistent herewith is hereby modified and superseded accordingly. ITScAE
Diliman, Quezon City, August 12, 2004.
Secretary, DENR
OIC-Secretary, DAR
"A" - General Instructions on How to Accomplish All the Forms
"B" - Definition of Terms
"C" - DAR-DENR IVAS Report Forms:
DENR-DAR Form 1 Accomplishment Report on IVAS
(Annex "C-1") for the Month/Quarter
DENR DAR Form 2 Accomplishment on IVAS Status of
(Annex "C-2") Survey Returns Returned to DAR for Correction for the Month/Quarter
DENR-DAR Forms 3-A/B List of Landholdings Covered By Agrarian
(Annex "C-3" & "C-4") Reform Survey Projects, for the Quarter
A. Cut-off period shall be at the end of each reporting month/quarter.
B. Accomplish Forms 1 and 2 at the end of each month/quarter.
C. Include to accomplish Forms 3-A and 3-B at the end of every quarter.
D. Submit this report to the DENR-CARP National Coordinating Office on or before the 7th of the succeeding month. Furnish the Director of the Bureau of Land Development (BLD) of the Department of Agrarian Reform a copy of the report.
E. Submission of national consolidated report shall be done every quarter. This consolidated report should be jointly prepared by DENR-CARP National Coordinating Office and DAR-BLD and submitted to the PARC Secretariat on or before the 15th of the succeeding month. PARCS in turn will furnish the DAR Planning Service a copy of the said National Report.
F. Each report shall include the total accomplishment by region, by province, classified as (a) New Lands and (b) Collective CLOA and disaggregated as (1) By Administration (2) By Contract) and (3) Others.
G. The subject report shall be jointly prepared by the DAR-DENR IVAS Desk Officers, concurred by the Chief, Surveys Division of DENR-LMS, and CARPO for Operations of DAR. It shall be certified true and correct by the Regional Technical Director of Land Management Service-DENR (RTD-LMS) and the Assistant Regional Director for Operations (ARDO) of DAR.
1. SURVEY RETURNS (SR) — refers to a set of land survey documents covering a land survey and consisting essentially of the original field notes, computations and plans/maps, supported by other documents specifically enumerated under Section 475 and other relevant sections of the Revised Manual of Land Surveying Regulations in the Philippines (DAO No. 98-12) which are submitted to the DENR-LMS for verification and approval. aTcIEH
2. NEW LANDS — for reporting purposes of this Circular, properties which are intended to be covered by Certificates of Land Ownership Award (CLOAs) for the first time and are counted as DAR accomplishment under the Land Acquisition and Distribution (LAD) process of CARP.
3. SUBDIVISION OF COLLECTIVE CLOA — for reporting purposes, is the parcellary/subdivision survey undertaken by the DAR on an area covered by collective CLOA and intended for generating individual CLOAs for each co-owner Agrarian Reform Beneficiary (ARB).
4. SR TRANSMITTED — refers to the SR officially transmitted by DAR to the DENR-LMS for verification and approval.
5. PRELIMINARY EVALUATION — refers to the checking of SR as to the completeness/compliance of necessary documents before the issuance of the Certificate of Acceptability by the DENR-LMS.
6. SR ACCEPTED — refers to the survey returns which upon preliminary evaluation have been found to be complete in form and substance, formally accepted and issued of Certificate of Acceptability by the LMS-DENR within five (5) working days from SR transmittal.
7. SR APPROVED — refers to SR which went thru the LMS-DENR verification process and found to have met all the criteria for approval. Approval of SR is manifested by the signature of the authorized DENR official on the original survey plan.
8. SR ON-GOING VERIFICATION — refers to the SR which are undergoing the process of verification in the DENR-LMS Regional Office preparatory to the final action of approval/disapproval.
9. SR REJECTED — refers to SR which went thru the LMS-DENR verification process and found not to have met all the criteria for approval and therefore returned formally by the LMS to the DAR distinctly marked as disapproved, indicating the reasons thereof.
10. SR RESUBMITTED — SR that was previously returned to DAR for correction/compliance of some technical requirements and subsequently transmitted back to DENR-LMS for continuation of the verification and approval process.
11. SR RETURNED — refers to the SR already accepted by DENR-LMS but were found to have technical deficiencies in the verification process and subsequently returned formally by the DENR-LMS to the DAR Regional Office for correction and/or compliance of some technical requirements.
Annex "C-1"
Annex "C-2"
Annex "C-3"
Annex "C-4"