July 30, 2004
TO : All Concerned DAR Officials and Employees
SUBJECT : Institutionalizing the Policy Formulation Process and Delineating the Responsibilities, Scope of Work and Accountability of Concerned
Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) Units Involved in Policy Formulation, and Providing for the Procedures and System for the Approval of Policy
Section 4(k) of Executive Order (E.O.) No. 129-A titled, "Modifying Executive Order No. 129 Reorganizing and Strengthening the Department of Agrarian Reform and for Other Purposes" mandates the Department to monitor and evaluate the progress of agrarian reform implementation. Section 5(c) of the same E.O. likewise authorizes the Department to establish and promulgate operational policies, rules and regulations, and priorities for agrarian reform implementation, with the end view of ensuring the success of asset reform by way of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP). CHDaAE
The said E.O. bestows an inherent function of policy development to several bureaus and staff offices of the Department, i.e., the Bureau of Land Acquisition and Distribution (BLAD), the Bureau of Land Development (BLD), the Bureau of Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Development (BARBD), the Bureau of Agrarian Legal Assistance (BALA) and the Policy and Strategic Research Service (PSRS), relative to their respective functions and areas of responsibility.
Given these inherent policy formulation functions of the BLAD, the BLD, the BARBD, the Department of Agrarian Reform Adjudication Board (DARAB), the BALA, the PSRS, and other DAR offices, there is a need to define and delineate the thematic or jurisdictional scope of work, responsibilities, and accountability of these various DAR units, as well as to institutionalize the procedures and system for the processing and approval of proposed policy issuances. The following guidelines are issued for the guidance of all concerned.
For purposes of this Memorandum Circular (M.C.), the term "PROPONENT" shall pertain to the concerned DAR Bureau, Service or Staff Office, e.g., BLAD, BLD, BARBD, DARAB, BALA, or PSRS, which proposes and initiates the formulation of new policy issuances, or the amendment of existing ones. The Proponent shall embody these proposals in a working paper or draft Administrative Order (A.O.) or Memorandum Circular. It shall then submit this, through its Undersecretary, to the Undersecretary for Policy, Planning, and Legal Affairs in his capacity as Chair of the Guidelines Drafting Committee (GDC) or Co-Chair of the DAR-LBP and DAR-NCIP Composite Policy Review and Formulation Groups (DAR-LBP/NCIP CPRFGs), as the case may be, for his consideration and referral to the GDC or CPRFGs and their Technical Working Groups (TWGs). It is deemed to be in the best interest of the service to subject all policy issuances to the process of discussion by the GDC and/or CPRFGs to ensure the accuracy and viability of policy issuances, and that field and other DAR offices' inputs are considered in the policy formulation process.
Areas of Concern:
1. Policy issues and concerns (PINCs) identified by DAR field offices, Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP), National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP), CARP Implementing Agencies (CIAs), other National Government Agencies (NGAs), Non-Government Organizations/People's Organizations (NGOs/POs) and stakeholders, shall submit these to the following concerned DAR units:
1.1 Field Operations Office/Group, Bureau of Land Acquisition and Distribution (BLAD) or Bureau of Land Development (BLD) if the subject PINC is Land Tenure Improvement (LTI) related;
1.2 Support Services Office, Bureau of Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Development (BARBD) or Project Development and Management Service (PDMS) if the subject PINC is Program Beneficiary Development (PBD) or support services related;
1.3 Department of Agrarian Reform Adjudication Board (DARAB), Undersecretary and Assistant Secretary of the Policy, Planning and Legal Affairs Office (PPLAO) or Bureau of Agrarian Legal Assistance (BALA) if the subject PINC is agrarian justice related; DTESIA
1.4 Finance, Management and Administrative Office (FMAO) if the PINC is an administrative or financial matter; and
1.5 The Presidential Agrarian Reform Council (PARC) Secretariat if the subject PINC concerns CARP Implementing Agencies (CIAs) or pertains to policy concerns emanating from or related to PARC structures such as the Provincial Agrarian Reform Coordinating Committees (PARCCOMs) and the Barangay Agrarian Reform Committees (BARCs) and overall CARP implementation policies that necessitate resolution by the PARC or its Executive Committee. The mechanism and procedures for policy formulation under the PARC shall be governed by the internal structures and standard operating procedures of the PARC. DAR offices may likewise submit to the PARC, through its Secretariat, proposals on policy issuances which fall within the purview of the PARC as provided under the entirety of Chapter XI of R.A. No. 6657. These proposed policy issuances submitted to the PARC by DAR offices shall at all times, be coursed through the Undersecretary for Policy, Planning, and Legal Affairs.
2. The PINCs drawn from in-house and commissioned researches and policy studies which indicate the need for policy formulation or amendment shall be within the scope of responsibility of the PSRS. These may encompass LTI, PBD, Support Services and other matters emerging from studies conducted on the CARP and its implementation.
3. In case the PINCs do not fall under the purview of any of the abovementioned DAR offices, the PPLAO Undersecretary, as Chair of the GDC and Co-Chair of the CPRFGs, shall have the discretion to determine which DAR office the PINCs shall be referred to for resolution.
4. Concerned DAR offices with inherent policy formulating mandates or those with specialized policy concerns may also, motu proprio, initiate the formulation of policy issuances which they deem necessary to improve and fast track their respective LTI, PBD or support services plans and programs, or to resolve emerging program implementation bottlenecks or gray areas.
The "COMPLETED STAFF WORK" (CSW), which refers to the totality of technical and administrative undertakings leading to the full completion of the essential requisites of Administrative Orders or Memorandum Circulars on policy, shall be part of the scope of work, responsibility, and accountability of the Proponent. These include, but are not limited to, research, drafting of policy issuances, documentation of deliberations (minutes) of the GDC/CPRFGs and their TWGs, revision and engrossment of amendments based on agreements, finalization of issuances and submission for signing, numbering of the signed issuance, and publication, if prescribed.
The scope of work related to the specific operating procedures to be undertaken by the Proponent, the PSRS the PPLAO Undersecretary in his capacity as Chair of the GDC and Co-Chair of the CPRFGs, and the GDC/CPRFGs and their respective TWGs, in relation to policy formulation and development shall be as follows:
1. The Proponent shall:
1.1 Review the issues identified motu proprio or submitted and consolidate pertinent data and information as inputs in the formulation of the proposed policy issuance and resolution of issues;
1.2 Coordinate/consult with other DAR offices, concerned government agencies, institutions, experts and stakeholders, if necessary, for comments and recommendations as inputs in the formulation of the proposed policy issuance;
1.3 Draft/formulate the proposed Administrative Order or Memorandum Circular, outlining the policies, pertinent procedures and other matters, including the process flow, if any, and the concomitant forms to be classified and numbered accordingly *;
1.4 Prepare and submit the CSW memorandum of the proposed policy issuance to the PPLAO Undersecretary through the Undersecretary under which the proponent office falls, attaching thereto the proposed guidelines, explanatory notes (detailing the rationale) of the administrative order or memorandum circular, list of DAR officials other than members of the TWG, representatives of concerned government agencies and other concerned individuals/stakeholders who may serve as resource persons in the deliberations, and all other pertinent documents and data supporting the CSW;
1.5 If the draft policy issuance is deemed in order by the PPLAO Undersecretary and he/she refers the proposed A.O./M.C. to the GDC or the DAR-LBP/NCIP CPRFG for deliberation, coordinate with the PSRS for scheduling of meetings or workshops, reproduce copies of the proposed policy issuance, explanatory notes, process flow, duly classified and numbered forms, pertinent data/documents and summary of agreements, when applicable, and submit these to the PSRS for attachment to the notices of meeting or the workshop kit. If the PPLAO Undersecretary deems otherwise, revise the proposed policy issuance according to the PPLAO Undersecretary's instructions and comments. A new CSW pertaining to the revisions made in the original proposal shall then be submitted to the PPLAO Undersecretary for his review and evaluation;
1.6 Provide the necessary staff to document the deliberation proceedings of the GDC/CPRFG and TWG meetings/workshops;
1.7 Prepare the highlights of the deliberations or the summary of agreements of the meetings/workshops of the GDC/CPRFGs and their TWGs for subsequent meetings and/or attachment to succeeding CSW memoranda to the PPLAO Undersecretary, and provide a copy of the same to the PSRS for reference and record purposes;
1.8 Undertake further study on issues not resolved during the deliberation of the proposed policy issuance;
1.9 Revise or finalize the proposed policy issuance based on the agreements, comments and suggestions of the GDC/CPRFGs and their TWGs using the concomitant engrossment indicators ** for easy reference;
1.10 If the policy issuance has been deliberated on at the TWG level, resubmit draft to the TWG for a second round of discussion or have PSRS schedule the policy issuance for GDC/CPRFG discussion, depending on the agreed steps to be taken. Upon deliberation by the GDC/CPRFG and the proposed policy issuance is deemed ready for finalization, the Proponent shall prepare the finalized copy of the policy issuance, engrossing all amendments and corrections, removing engrossment indicators and editing of the issuance, and shall prepare a CSW memorandum to the PPLAO Undersecretary for final review, endorsement and signing by the Secretary;
1.11 If the Secretary requires certain revisions, additions or amendments to the proposed policy issuance as indorsed by the PPLAO Undersecretary, said issuance shall be returned to the PPLAO Undersecretary for appropriate action.
1.12 Upon signing by the Secretary of the Administrative Order or Memorandum Circular, submit the approved and signed policy issuance to the Records Management Division for numbering;
1.13 If the signed policy issuance is for publication, coordinate with the Records Management Division and the Public Affairs Staff to ensure that the same is published in two (2) newspapers of general circulation;
1.14 Furnish the PPLAO Undersecretary and the PSRS a photocopy of the signed and numbered policy issuance for filing and record purposes; and
1.15 Conduct briefings on its approved policy issuance/s for concerned DAR Central and Field Offices, and other agencies and institutions.
If the proposed Administrative Order or Memorandum Circular is a joint undertaking between the DAR and the LBP or the NCIP, the BLAD, as principal office in charge of LTI and concomitant coordinator with the LBP and NCIP on matters of CARP coverage, landowner compensation and Agrarian Reform Beneficiary (ARB) amortizations, shall undertake items III (1.1-1.14) for DAR LBP/NCIP CPRFG policy formulation concerns. ***
The Head or Director of the proponent office shall be responsible for the sponsorship and presentation of the proposed policy issuance during GDC, CPRFGs, and TWG meetings and deliberations. He or she shall facilitate the GDC/CPRFG discussions during the GDC/CPRFG meetings/workshops and shall assume full supervisory responsibility for the CSW on their unit's proposed A.O. or M.C. as provided under items III (1.1-1.13). Likewise, he or she shall serve as the principal resource person in the briefing/s of his or her office's approved guidelines. The same task may be delegated to the Proponent's senior staff when deemed appropriate by the former.
2. The Guidelines Drafting Committee (GDC), which is composed of DAR Central Office (DARCO) officials and other DAR field personnel designated by Special Order (S.O.), shall:
2.1 Review and deliberate on the rationale and content of the proposed policy issuance endorsed by the GDC-TWG, as well as other matters of policy and emerging gray areas that may need policy resolution; CIETDc
2.2 Provide recommendations and suggestions in the revision/amendment of the working draft of the policy issuance prior to its finalization and submission to the GDC Chair for consideration and endorsement to the Secretary;
2.3 Conduct consultative meetings/workshops with concerned field offices, CARP Implementing Agencies (CIAs), National Government Agencies (NGAs), and other stakeholders, when deemed necessary; and
2.4 Perform such other functions as the DAR Secretary and the Executive or Management Committee may direct.
3. The Guidelines Drafting Committee-Technical Working Group (GDC-TWG) shall render support to the GDC. As such, it shall:
3.1 Undertake initial review and deliberation of the rationale and content of proposed Administrative Orders, Memorandum Circulars and other issuances, and emerging policy issues and concerns arising from the implementation of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law (CARL), as referred to by the GDC Chair;
3.2 Provide the necessary inputs, recommendations, and suggestions for the refinement or further study of the proposed policy issuance in preparation for its deliberation by the GDC;
3.3 Direct researches to be conducted by the proponent office for data requirements;
3.4 If deemed necessary, review and undertake subsequent deliberations on the proposed policy issuance;
3.5 Assist and support the Head of the proponent office in the sponsorship of the proposed policy issuance during GDC deliberations on the same; and
3.6 Perform such other functions as the GDC may assign related to the formulation of policy issuances or amendment of existing guidelines.
4. The DAR-LBP and DAR-NCIP Composite Policy Review and Formulation Groups, which are composed of DAR Central Office and field officials, LBP, and NCIP Head Office officials, as the case may be, shall:
4.1 Review and deliberate on the rationale and content of the proposed joint policy issuance on DAR-LBP/NCIP concerns, as the case may be, and other matters of policy and emerging gray areas that may need policy resolution;
4.2 Provide recommendations and suggestions in the revision/amendment of the working draft of the policy issuance by the Proponent prior to finalization and submission of the same to the CPRFG Chairs for consideration and signing;
4.3 Conduct consultative meetings/workshops with concerned field offices, concerned NGAs, CIAs and/or stakeholders, when deemed necessary; and
4.4 Perform such other functions as the DAR Secretary and/or the LBP President or NCIP Chair, as the case may be, may direct.
5.1 Undertake initial review and deliberation of the rationale and content of proposed Administrative Orders, Memorandum Circulars and other issuances pertaining to LTI, landowner compensation, ARB amortizations (in the case of the DAR-LBP CPRFG), and emerging policy issues and concerns arising from the implementation of the CARL and the Indigenous Peoples Rights Act (in the case of DAR-NCIP CPRFG);
5.2 Provide the necessary inputs, recommend amendments and/or resolutions to policy issues and concerns, as well as suggestions for refinement or further study of the proposed policy issuance for consideration of the DAR-LBP/NCIP CPRFGs;
5.3 Direct researches to be jointly conducted by proponent offices of the DAR and either the LBP or NCIP concerned units for data requirements;
5.4 Assist and support the Head of the DAR proponent office and either LBP or NCIP concerned units in the sponsorship of the proposed policy issuance during DAR-LBP CPRFG or DAR-NCIP CPRFG deliberations on the same; and
5.5 Perform such other functions as may be determined by the DAR-LBP/NCIP CPRFG.
6. The PPLAO Undersecretary, as Chair of the GDC and Co-Chair of the DAR-LBP/NCIP CPRFGs, shall review and evaluate all policy issuance proposals, and determine whether these need further study, revision and/or deliberation by the GDC or concerned CPRFG.
In the case of the GDC, or on behalf of the DAR in the case of either the DAR-LBP or NCIP CPRFGs, he will make the final endorsement of the policy issuance to the Secretary for signing.
7. The Policy and Strategic Research Service (PSRS) shall:
7.1. Draw from significant findings of in-house and commissioned researches and policy studies and prepare the advocacy papers for specific action required such as policy issuances in the form of either administrative orders or memorandum circulars, legislative measures, and program interventions that may require over-arching policies. The policy formulation responsibilities of PSRS shall fall within the thematic purview of the proposed policy issuance deemed necessary as indicated by studies or researches in support to policy formulation;
7.2. Coordinate with policy issuance proponents on the following:
7.2.1 Scheduling for deliberation of the proposed policy issuance, as well as the physical arrangements and venue of the GDC/CPRFG/TWG meetings/workshops;
7.2.2 Preparation of Notices of Meeting and Special Orders, if necessary;
7.2.3 Submission by the Proponent of reproduced copies of policy issuance drafts to be attached to the Notices of Meeting and/or to the workshop kits, and disseminate the same to the members of the DAR-GDC, DAR-LBP CPRFG, DAR-NCIP CPRFG, and their respective TWGs.
7.3 Liaise with the members of the DAR-GDC, DAR-LBP CPRFG, DAR-NCIP CPRFG, and their respective TWGs regarding the conduct of meetings/workshops;
7.4 Maintain a file of the summary of agreements/highlights of the deliberations and the signed and numbered policy issuance as submitted by the proponent office; and
7.5 Monitor the implementation of approved policy issuances for identification of problems, issues and policy gaps for purposes of policy research and policy formulation or revision.
The detailed procedures and workflow are attached to this memorandum circular as POLFORM Annexes "A" and "B".
1. The formulated A.O. or M.C. shall be reported as an accomplishment of the Proponent.
2. The membership and participation of the Heads of office (e.g. Assistant Secretaries, Directors, Assistant Directors or Division Chiefs) of bureaus/units in GDC/CPRFGs/TWGs' deliberations or consultations of policy issuances shall be considered as an ex officio function, as may be mandated by applicable Special Orders, and shall not be included in their offices' accomplishment reports. Nevertheless, such participation and involvement shall be reflected in their individual evaluations/accomplishments and targets.
3. The participation of other offices/bureaus in the conduct of data gathering and consultation meetings for policy studies shall not be construed as a specific policy issuance formulation accomplishment, but shall be considered as CARP-related activities accomplishments or intervening assignments, and shall be reflected accordingly.
4. The coordinative support provided by the PSRS to the DAR GDC, DAR-LBP CPRFG and DAR-NCIP CPRFG, and their respective TWGs shall be considered as policy coordination and monitoring accomplishments of the said office. ECaHSI
The expenses incurred in the conduct of all meetings/workshops of the DAR GDC, DAR-LBP CPRFG and DAR-NCIP CPRFG, and their respective TWGs shall be charged to the Maintenance and Operating Expenses (MOE) of the PSRS except when the CPRFG meeting is held in the office of the LBP or NCIP, or in the office of another government agency.
The Proponent office shall, however, charge to its own MOE, expenses that may be incurred in the conduct of briefing/s of its approved guidelines, researches or further studies on unresolved issues or small group meetings related to the revision or finalization of the proposed policy issuance, and the reproduction of all documents necessary for the conduct of GDC/CPRFG/TWG meetings/workshops.
The foregoing guidelines notwithstanding, the Secretary may, in the exercise of sound discretion and when the exigency of the service so requires, motu proprio undertake the drafting and release of policy issuances.
This Memorandum Circular shall take effect immediately.
Diliman, Quezon City, 30 July 2004.
1. Submission of Draft Policy Issuances
1.1 The Proponent or the Bureau of Land Acquisition and Distribution (BLAD), in case the proponent office is the Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) or the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP), shall prepare and submit through their respective Undersecretaries, the Completed Staff Work (CSW) of the proposed policy issuance (i.e. Administrative Order or Memorandum Circular), along with the pertinent attachments (i.e. proposed guidelines, explanatory notes, process flow, concomitant forms, pertinent data and documents, if any) and the list of DAR officials, other than the members of the TWG, representatives from concerned government agencies and other concerned individuals/stakeholders who may serve as resource persons in the deliberation of the proposed policy issuance, should the need arise, to the Policy, Planning and Legal Affairs Office (PPLAO) Undersecretary who serves as the GDC Chair and as Co-Chair of the DAR-LBP/NCIP CPRFGs.
1.2 The PPLAO Undersecretary shall:
1.2.1. Review and evaluate the proposed policy issuance to determine whether or not this necessitates deliberation by either the GDC, the DAR-LBP CPRFG or the DAR-NCIP CPRFG; and
1.2.2 If the proposed policy issuance warrants deliberation, forward the CSW of the proposed policy issuance to the Policy and Strategic Research Service (PSRS), including the list of the concerned individuals to be invited to the TWG meeting. Otherwise, recommit the proposed policy issuance to the Proponent for further study/revision.
1.3 In case of recommitment, the Proponent/BLAD-LBP/BLAD-NCIP, as the case may be, shall revise the proposed policy issuance according to the PPLAO Undersecretary's instructions and comments. A new CSW shall be submitted pertaining to the revised proposed policy issuance to the PPLAO Undersecretary for review and evaluation.
1.4 If a policy issuance is slated for deliberation of the GDC/CPRFGs, the PSRS shall:
1.4.1 Receive from the PPLAO Undersecretary, the CSW of the proposed policy issuance and the list of concerned individuals and schedule a TWG meeting;
1.4.2 Coordinate with the Proponent and TWG members and other concerned units individuals regarding the conduct of the TWG meeting;
1.4.3 Prepare the Notice of Meeting and inform the Proponent/BLAD and the GDC/CPRFGs members of either LBP or the NCIP, on the schedule of the meeting; and
1.4.4 Inform the Proponent/BLAD on the number of copies of the proposed policy issuance and pertinent materials to be prepared/reproduced.
1.5 The Proponent/BLAD shall prepare/reproduce copies of the proposed policy issuance, explanatory notes, process flow, forms and other pertinent data/documents, and submit these to the PSRS five (5) days before the scheduled meeting.
1.6. The PSRS shall receive the copies of the proposed policy issuance, explanatory note, process flow and forms from the Proponent/BLAD, attach these to the Notices of Meeting and disseminate these to the TWG members and other concerned units/bureaus/individuals.
2. Deliberation of the Policy Issuance at the TWG of the GDC/CPRFGs
The TWG shall convene to initially review and evaluate the draft proposed policy issuance. During the meeting, the following shall be observed:
2.1 The TWG Chair shall serve as the facilitator;
2.2 The Head or Director of the proponent office shall sponsor/present the proposed policy issuance to the TWG members and other participants; and
2.3 The proponent office shall be responsible for the documentation of the proceedings of the TWG meeting. If the deliberation is done by the CPRFG-TWG, the documentation of the proceedings of the DAR-LBP CPRFG and DAR-NCIP CPRFG shall be undertaken by the BLAD.
3. Post TWG Deliberation
3.1 The Proponent shall:
3.1.1 Prepare the summary of agreements or highlights of the deliberations and provide a copy of the same to the PSRS for reference and record purposes;
3.1.2 In case the proposed policy issuance is subject to further study, conduct review/research on the unresolved issues raised during the TWG meeting as inputs in the revision of the proposed policy issuance;
3.1.3 Revise the proposed policy issuance based on the agreements, comments and suggestions of the TWG members; and
3.1.4 If the revised proposed policy issuance needs to undergo another TWG deliberation, submit the same to the PSRS for scheduling of another TWG meeting. The process as laid out in Items 1 (1.4.2-1.6) to 3 shall be observed.
Otherwise, the Proponent shall prepare and submit the CSW of the revised policy issuance, together with the summary of agreements and the list of the concerned officials/resource persons, to the PSRS for scheduling of deliberation by the GDC/CPRFG.
The foregoing shall be undertaken by the BLAD if the proposed policy issuance was discussed by the TWG of the DAR-LBP CPRFG and DAR-NCIP CPRFG.
4. Deliberation of Policy Issuances by the GDC/LBP or NCIP CPRFGs
The GDC/CPRFGs shall convene to review and evaluate proposed policy issuances. During the meeting/workshop, the following shall be observed:
4.1 The Head or Director of the proponent office shall sponsor/present the proposed policy issuance to the GDC/CPRFG members and other participants. He or she shall facilitate the discussion;
4.2 The TWG Chair shall assist the Proponent in the presentation of the proposed policy issuance to the GDC/CPRFG members. He or she shall likewise assist the Head of the proponent office in facilitating the discussion; and
4.3 The proponent office staff shall document the proceedings of the GDC meeting/workshop while the BLAD shall document the proceedings of the meeting/workshop of the DAR-LBP CPRFG and DAR-NCIP CPRFG and GDC meeting/workshop at which its proposals are being deliberated upon.
5. Post-GDC/CPRFG Deliberation
5.1 The Proponent shall:
5.1.1 Prepare the summary of agreements/highlights of the deliberations and furnish the PSRS a copy of the summary of agreements or the highlights of the deliberations for reference and record purposes;
5.1.2 Conduct study/research on issues raised during the GDC/CPRFG meeting/workshop as inputs in the revision of the proposed policy issuance, if deemed necessary during the deliberations;
5.1.3 Revise/Finalize the proposed policy issuance based on the agreements, comments and suggestions of the Chair/s and members of the deliberating committee (GDC/CPRFG); and
5.1.4 If there is a need for another GDC/CPRFG deliberation, request the PSRS for the scheduling and submit the reproduced copies of the revised draft. Otherwise, submit the CSW of the proposed policy issuance, together with the summary of agreements or the highlights of the deliberations and other pertinent data/documents to the PPLAO Undersecretary for review and endorsement to the Secretary.
The foregoing shall be undertaken by the BLAD if the proposed policy issuance has been discussed by the DAR-LBP CPRFG and DAR-NCIP CPRFG.
5.2 The PPLAO Undersecretary shall review and evaluate the finalized copy of the proposed policy issuance. If the proposed policy issuance no longer requires further revision, he shall endorse the same to the Secretary for approval and signing. Otherwise, he shall recommit the proposed policy issuance to the Proponent for revision.
1. After the Secretary shall have signed the policy issuance, the concerned staff of the Office of the Secretary (OSec) shall forward the signed policy issuance to the Proponent, or to the BLAD in case the policy issuance is a joint undertaking of the DAR with the LBP or the NCIP.
2. If the signed policy issuance is solely a DAR proposal, the Proponent shall undertake the following:
2.1 Receipt of the approved and signed Administrative Order (A.O.) or Memorandum Circular (M.C.);
2.2 Submission of the A.O./M.C. to the Records Management Division for numbering;
2.3 Furnishing of the PPLAO Undersecretary and the PSRS a copy of the signed and numbered A.O/M.C.; and
2.4 Publication of the signed and numbered A.O./M.C. in two (2) newspapers of general circulation, if prescribed.
3. If the signed policy issuance is a joint undertaking of the DAR with the LBP or the NCIP, the BLAD shall:
3.1 Receive the approved and signed A.O./M.C. and transmit the same to the Head of the LBP or the NCIP for signature;
3.2 Submit the signed A.O./M.C. to the DAR Records Management Division for numbering, upon receipt of the same from the concerned agency;
3.3 Furnish the PPLAO Undersecretary and the PSRS a copy of the signed and numbered A.O./M.C.;
3.4 Ensure that the signed and numbered A..O./M.C. is published in two (2) newspapers of general circulation, if publication is prescribed; and
3.5 Furnish a copy of the signed A.O./M.C. to the Head of the concerned agency.
* Forms that are part of Administrative Orders (A.O.) or Memorandum Circulars (M.C.) are labeled or classified accordingly and are systematically arranged in series or sequence, taking into account the A.O. or M.C., and the form's order of appearance in the procedure, thereby allowing easy cross-referencing with other forms and with the pertinent provision in the text of the A.O. or M.C. to the form indicated therein (e.g. LVSTCK Form No. 1).
** Engrossment Indicators refer to the typographical usage in final drafts of ALL CAPITAL LETTERS to indicate amendments, revisions, insertions and additions, and using brackets to indicate words or phrases deleted in revising the original or preceding draft. The date of revision must at all times be indicated in the left top section of the first page of the revised draft to avoid confusion.
*** This is without prejudice to the inherent policy formulating functions of the BLAD on matters concerning land tenure improvement per se. Hence, the BLAD shall assume a dual policy formulation function, either that of a bureau which motu proprio undertakes policy formulating functions based on issues within the ambit of its jurisdiction, or as a coordinator with the LBP or NCIP on matters covered by joint policy issuances of the DAR with the mentioned offices.