March 17, 2006
SUBJECT : Guidelines on the Management, Operation and Use of the DAR Multi-Purpose Gymnasium, Officials' Lounge, Guest House and HRD Center/Dormitory and
Setting Up of Revolving Fund on the Income Derived from the Rental Therefrom
I. Objective:
The Department, in its desire to contribute in the economy by cutting on expenditure costs, attain self-sufficiency, promote productivity through development of its employees' health and welfare simultaneously maintain harmonious relationship among themselves, has established a space where its personnel and clientele can be accommodated and a place to conduct their social, cultural, spiritual, sports and other activities.
There is a need to consolidate the various issuances which served as guidelines in the management, administration and operation of the Department's HRD Dormitory, Guest House, Officials' Lounge and Multi-purpose Gymnasium. These integration and amendments to certain provisions are in order to conform to the present standards, rules and policies.
II. General Policies:
A. Use of the DAR Multi-Purpose Gymnasium, Guest House, Officials' Lounge and HRD Center/Dormitory.
The DAR Multi-Purpose Gymnasium shall be for the priority use of the DAR Employees in their social, cultural, spiritual, sports, fitness and other activities.
The DAR Multi-Purpose Gymnasium may be rented out to other government agencies and private offices/individuals provided that its use will not in any way affect or hamper the activities of the DAR employees.
The DAR's Officials' Lounge, Guest House and HRD Dormitory shall be for the priority use of the DAR officials and employees who are on official travel. IcCEDA
Accommodation Fees and Rental:
The following are the accommodation fees and rentals:
• | Officials' Lounge | — | P150.00 per day | |
• | Guest House/HRD Dormitory | |||
For DAR Personnel | — | P50.00 per day | ||
For non-DAR Personnel | — | 75.00 per day | ||
• | Multi-purpose Gymnasium | |||
For Government Agencies | — | P300.00 per hour | ||
Plus Use of Electricity | — | 150.00 | ||
For Private Entities/Individuals | — | P500.00 per hour | ||
Plus use of electricity | — | 250.00 | ||
Per Court Use | ||||
Other Govt. Employees | — | P100.00 per hour | ||
Plus Use of Electricity | — | 50.00 | ||
Private Individuals | — | P150.00 per hour | ||
Plus Use of Electricity | — | 50.00 |
B. Operating Procedures on the Reservation, Registration and Payment
1. For DAR Multi-purpose Gymnasium, reservation should be made at least five (5) days before the actual date. It should be in writing and addressed to the DAR Employees Association (DAREA) thru its National President.
2. For Officials Lounge, Guest House and HRD Dormitory, reservations shall be on a first-come-first-served basis and shall be made with the Manager at least three days before the actual date of stay.
3. Accommodation shall not exceed one week. However, on meritorious or valid grounds, the stay may be extended to a maximum of (15) fifteen days subject to the written authority from the Administrative Service Director upon recommendation of the DAREA President.
1. The Transient shall fill up the Registration Form (Annex A) provided by the respective Caretakers of the Officials' Lounge, Guest House and HRD Dormitory.
2. Corresponding bed sheet, blanket and pillow shall be provided to the Transient.
3. For the DAR Multi-purpose Gymnasium, it shall be the Manager who shall provide the Registrant a copy of the Registration Form (Annex B). For government agencies/private entities, a letter-request addressed to the DAREA President for the use of the Gym shall be required. In turn, the Manager shall inform the requisitioner of the availability or non-availability of the Gym, either through telephone call or letter.
4. The Registration Form shall be pre-numbered and accomplished in three copies to be distributed as follows:
Original Copy — Accounting Division
Duplicate Copy — DAREA
Triplicate Copy — Registrant
5. The Registrant's Copy shall be presented to the DAR Gymnasium Caretaker for notation and recording purposes.
6. For DAR Officials and Employees, one shall present one's DAR ID before registration.
Billing and Payment:
1. Based on the duly accomplished Pre-numbered Registration Form, the Manager/Caretaker shall bill the Occupant/Transient/User. IAEcaH
2. The Occupant/Transient/User shall bring the Registration Form and secure Order of Payment at the Accounting Division, which shall be the basis of the Cashier's Office in issuing Official Receipt. For expediency, the Cashier's Office may be allowed to issue Order of Payment.
3. The Occupant/Transient/User shall then settle payment at the Cashier's Office. A corresponding Official Receipt shall be issued.
4. In case when occupants/transient/user comes after office hours and leaves before office hours, the managers may assign personnel to accept payments provided that the user sign a certification that he had paid the amount and that a copy of said certification is given to the Guard at the Gate before the user finally leave the compound. The Guard on duty must turn-over the payment certificate to the Security-in-Charge who must in turn ensure its submission to the Cashier for proper recording. The personnel assigned to accept payment must turnover the amount at the start of office hours together with the Certification of Payment by the User (copy of caretaker). Cashier stamps both copy with "Payment Received".
5. For the Occupant/Transient of DAR HRD Dormitory, Guesthouse and Officials' Lounge, the Official Receipt shall be presented to the Caretaker in order to be cleared for departure.
6. Due courtesy shall be accorded to Officials of the Department (PARO I and above) and those officials from other government agencies with equivalent rank who will be using the Officials' Lounge. For this reason, the Caretaker may be assigned to process all the documentary requirements at the option of the official concerned.
7. It is understood that all Occupant/Transient/User who will check-out before or after the regular office hour shall be responsible in assuring that the requirements have been pre-arranged prior to leaving the Facility.
C. Setting Up of Revolving Fund (RF) on the Income Derived from the Rentals
The setting-up of a Revolving Fund for the proceeds from the DAR HRD Dormitory, Officials' Lounge, Guest House and Gymnasium shall be established pursuant to Section 6 of the General Provisions of the General Appropriations Act, FY 2005.
The following shall be observed:
• All income or fees derived from rentals for the use of DAR's Multi-Purpose Gymnasium, Officials' Lounge, Guest House and HRD Dormitory, shall be deposited and shall constitute into a revolving fund.
• The fund shall be made available for the maintenance and other operating expenses and/or capital outlay requirements of the said facilities. All obligations or expenditures incurred on the operation or use of the said facilities shall be charged against the revolving fund.
• The DAR Cashier shall open a separate account for such purpose in an authorized government depository bank.
• The Accounting Division shall prepare a separate book of accounts for the RF.
• The Director for Administrative Service, upon recommendation of the DAREA President shall approve all charges to RF. In addition, the Director for Administrative Service shall oversee its smooth operation.
• All collections and disbursements shall be recorded and properly accounted in accordance with the standard accounting and auditing rules and regulations. The delegated authority on signing and countersigning of checks per GMO 4 series of 2005 shall be followed.
III. Personnel Complement and Functions
The following are the Operation Staff of the DAR HRD Dormitory, Officials' Lounge, Guest House and Gymnasium and their respective functions.
A. Two Managers (DAREA Officer/BARIE Representative)
• Shall directly supervise their respective Caretakers; cDTSHE
• Shall approve and/or cancel reservations;
• Shall prepare a quarterly inventory report of all the facilities, equipment and supplies of the four areas;
• Shall prepare the necessary vouchers/requests for the purchase of supplies, equipment, utilities and other related expenses/disbursements for the four areas;
• Shall prepare and submit monthly report to the Office of the Undersecretary, FMAO on the availment of areas within their jurisdiction;
DAREA Officer shall have jurisdiction over the DARMPG, Officials' Lounge, and Guest House. BARIE Representative shall have jurisdiction over the HRD Center which includes the HRD Dormitory and adjacent Training Hall.
B. Four (4) Caretakers
Three Caretakers for the Official's Lounge, Guest House and HRD Dormitory
• Shall be in-charge in the registration and billing of the guest/s;
• Shall ensure the day-to-day cleanliness and orderliness of the area;
• Shall perform housekeeping functions such as laundry of linens (bed sheets, blankets, pillows, etc.);
• Implements the action rendered by the Manager whether to accept, reject or cancel reservations; and
• Shall check maintenance of all facilities and equipment and prepare report of damage and/or maintenance required.
One Caretaker for the Multi-Purpose Gymnasium
• Shall ensure the day-to-day cleanliness and orderliness of the gymnasium; and
• Shall check and maintain cleanliness of the fitness equipments stationed at the Fitness Center. Prepare report of damage and maintenance required (whenever necessary).
IV. Reporting and Monitoring
1. The Managers shall prepare and submit their respective reports, duly noted by the DAREA President and the Administrative Service Director (DAREA Officer) and BARIE Director (BARIE Representative), to the Office of the USEC FMA, on the following:
a. Quarterly Inventory Report of all the Facilities, Equipment and Supplies of the Officials' Lounge, Guest House, Multi-purpose Gymnasium and HRD Dormitory; and
b. Monthly Report on the Availment of the Official's Lounge, Guest House, HRD Dormitory and Multi-purpose Gymnasium;
2. The DAR Cashier shall prepare and submit the monthly Report of Collections to the Accounting Division.
3. The Accounting Division shall prepare and submit to the Office of the Undersecretary for FMAO the monthly status of the Revolving Fund. The report shall be made not later than the second week of each ensuing month.
4. The Office of the Undersecretary for FMAO, through the Director Administrative Services and the DAREA/BARIE shall monitor the management and operation of the DAR Multi-Purpose Gymnasium, Officials' Lounge, Guest House and HRD Dormitory.
5. The Internal Audit Service shall conduct a year-end audit on the management and operation of these facilities — DARMPG, Officials' Lounge, Guest House, and HRD Dormitory; including the Revolving Fund.
V. Other Matters:
1. The HRD Center designed as the venue for all training and development programs of the Department remains to be under the supervision and management of the BARIE. It shall be the first option in holding any HRD related activities including assessments, planning, workshops and conferences. In cases where trainings, conferences and other development programs requires the use of the HRD Dormitory, their participants shall be accorded top priority. DHcTaE
2. The adjacent HRD Training Hall shall be open to all participants and guests of agrarian reform and rural development-related trainings, seminars, workshops and conferences coming from various sectors such as: Agrarian Reform Players (DARCO and field offices, FBs, CIAs & LGUs, NGOs and POs) and Support Groups (academe and partner training institutions, media, and donor institutions). Their activities, however, shall be coordinated and cleared with BARIE. Rentals of the Training Hall shall not be allowed.
3. All materials provided to the transient/user/occupant of the Officials' Lounge, HRD Dormitory & Guest House (i.e. blankets, bed sheets, pillows, etc.) shall be accounted properly prior to their departure/check-out. Any item found missing shall be charged against them. Failure to account these items shall become final liability of the Caretaker.
4. The DAR Multi-purpose Gymnasium, Officials' Lounge, Guest House & HRD Center/Dormitory are intended for mutual benefit of its officials, employees and other clientele. Hence, its use should be treated with utmost concern.
5. All the existing associations who directly utilize the sport facilities like the basketball, lawn tennis, badminton, volleyball courts and other sports amenities are encouraged to prepare their respective quarterly plan of activities to maintain their priority preference and to avoid conflict as against rental schedules. The same shall be submitted to the Manager-DAREA Officer copy furnish the Director for Administrative Service.
6. All the proceeds and/or income which may be derived from the accommodation fees and rentals of these facilities shall be deposited in an authorized government depository bank under the Revolving Fund.
7. There shall be "Housekeeping Rules" for the use of the Gymnasium. For this purpose, the DAREA may coordinate with the officers of different sports associations (Tennis/Badminton/Basketball/Fitness Clubs, etc.) within the Department. DAREA/BARIE shall likewise formulate housekeeping/security rules for the other facilities within their jurisdiction.
8. All other issues or problems arising from the utilization of DAR Multi-Purpose Gymnasium, Officials' Lounge, DAR Guest House and Employees' Park shall be resolved by the Joint Management Committee pursuant to Article VII, Section 2 of the 2nd Collective Negotiation Agreement dated 29 October 2004. All other problems which may arise to include the operation of the Revolving Fund shall likewise be resolved by the Joint Management Committee.
9. Issues and problems concerning the HRD Center shall be resolved by the BARIE Management Committee.
10. This Circular revokes and/or cancels all other issuances which are found to be inconsistent herewith.
Diliman, Quezon City, March 17, 2006.