April 30, 2007
SUBJECT : Revised Rates of Representation and Transportation Allowance (RATA)
Following the issuance provided under the General Provisions of Republic Act No. 9401 also known as FY 2007 General Appropriations Act, the herein rates shall govern the payment of Representation and Transportation Allowance of officials and employees authorized for payments thereof, to wit:
Officials Monthly Rate for Each Type
of Allowance per Month
Department Secretaries P9,500.00
& those of equivalent ranks
Department Undersecretaries 7,500.00
& those of equivalent ranks
Department Assistant Secretaries 6,700.00
& those of equivalent ranks
Bureau Directors, Department Regional 6,000.00
Directors and those of equivalent ranks
Assistant Bureau Directors, Department 5,400.00
Assistant Regional Directors, Bureau
Regional Directors, Department Service
Chiefs and those of equivalent ranks
Assistant Bureau Regional Directors 4,800.00
& those of equivalent ranks
Chiefs of Division identified as such in the 3,500.00
Personal Services Itemization and
Plantilla of Personnel and those of
Equivalent rank IcaEDC
The RATA shall be charged against the lump-sum appropriations for the purpose. In case of deficiencies, the same shall be charged against savings from released allotments for current operating expenditures, provided that all authorized mandatory expenses shall have been paid first.
All other provisions of DAR Memorandum Circular No. 5, series of 2000, shall remain effective except those that are explicitly recalled, revoked or superseded by National Budget Circular No. 509 dated 13 April 2007 and/or subject to CSC, government accounting and auditing rules and regulations.
This Memorandum Circular shall take effect immediately.
Diliman, Quezon City, April 30, 2007.